A couple have admitted that they let their five dogs sleep in between them while trying to get a good nights kip.
For some of us, trying to get them eight hours required to function the next day can be difficult at the best of times.
Whether you're replaying things in your head that you've done in the day, or thinking about what the next day has in store... But imagine having those worries on top of five dogs sleeping on top of you.
Perhaps that might make us forget about on worries, though!
Either way, that is exactly what Tracy Fosterling and Tyler do, as they allow dogs Bear, Mahi, Pup, Lily and foster canine Penny to sleep in between them every night.
Obviously, the couple have invested in a king-size bed so all the pups can squeeze in, with the pair saying they are 'not bothered' by hair or waking up in the middle of the night.
However, there are some rules the dogs have to follow first before they are allowed to cuddle up with their humans in the bed.
First of all, the dogs need to be fully clean before they are allowed to enter the bedroom, with Tracy admitting to being a bit of a 'clean freak'.

Every two to three days, Tracy fluffs and washes the bed sheets while spending a staggering $600 a month on her dogs' food, bills and treats.
The woman, from Jacksonville, Florida, US, said: “The dogs always sleep in the bed with us since we’ve got them.
“That’s just where they like sleeping. As we add more, they all want to get on the bed."
She continued: “The little one sleeps between our head and the others sleep in the middle.
“Sometimes I wish I had more room, but it doesn’t really bother me. They all want to be near my fiancé.
“Neither of us are big cuddlers so it works for us.”

The couple started fostering dogs in 2019 after Tracy volunteered at a shelter when she found out a dog would be put down as they didn't have enough space to keep them.
Since then, they have fostered over 20 dogs, making them a rather large family indeed.
Tracy said: “I have been adding more dogs to the family.
“I love dogs. We love dogs. He goes along with it when I bring a dog home.”
The dog lover added that the couple do not have kids yet as they take care of their dogs like they're 'kids' anyway.