No matter how naughty they are, it can be hard to stay mad at a dog. But one woman was really put to the test when her mischievous labradors made a meal out of her £500 sofa.
Julie Saunders, 38, had only nipped out for an hour or so to attend a family meal last Tuesday (14 March), but that was all the time dogs Rocco and Poppy needed to cause complete chaos in her home.

When Julie returned, it didn't take long for her to realise something was wrong.
"When I walked in I just thought 'oh my god'," she said. "There were duck feathers everywhere. Poppy came to the door with a toy in her mouth but Rocco was just lying on the sofa and didn't move."
The thing is, the sofa Rocco was lying on was not the same one Julie had left behind. At least, it didn't look that way.
While she was gone, the two pups had gone to town ripping apart the sofa, leaving duck feathers absolutely everywhere for Rocco to relax in.
Julie explained that she'd taken off the blue cover that's usually on the sofa to wash it, and she speculated one of the pups tore into the sofa while playing with a tennis ball.

She thinks they might have released a couple of feathers, adding: "Perhaps they've smelled the duck feathers and played with them. They're gun dogs so it could be their instincts."
Despite the mass of feathers that covered both the sofa and her dogs, Julie admitted she couldn't be angry at her beloved pets.
She said: "It was so funny. We took pictures of it straight away but we couldn't shout at them because they're too cute to be angry at. We just had to laugh."
That being said, she's definitely learned her lesson.

Julie explained: "We leave them in the office room quite a lot and they're in here during the day while I'm working, but we'll have to leave them in the kitchen when we go out now."
She shared snaps of the disastrous scene online, writing: "I only nipped out for an hour! Who's the culprit?"
Her post quickly racked up comments from amused viewers, with one person responding: "Best pics I've seen of labrador destruction for ages. Sorry for laughing!"
Thankfully, Julie is confident she can fix the £500 sofa, and plans to stuff as many feathers as she can back inside before sewing up the cushion away from her dogs' curious noses - and teeth.