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Halle Berry fans told to stop ‘zooming in’ after she shares extremely revealing dress photo

Halle Berry fans told to stop ‘zooming in’ after she shares extremely revealing dress photo

Halle Berry has broken the internet again with another x-rated photo

Halle Berry really is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to the appreciation of the female body.

She’s become known for her incredible no-f**ks-given approach, having previously gone viral for sharing a gorgeous photo of her drinking wine on her balcony – nude.

The 57-year-old is refusing to be a shrinking violet as she grows older, proudly flaunting her body in the sunshine.

The image was captioned: "I do what I wanna do. Happy Saturday."

Damn straight!

Earlier this year, Berry's boyfriend Van Hunt shared a similar picture from the same balcony to mark Mother’s Day.

Van Hunt shared a sweet tribute to his partner earlier this year (Instagram/@vanhunt)
Van Hunt shared a sweet tribute to his partner earlier this year (Instagram/@vanhunt)

He joked: “...oh s**t, i wasn't s'posed to post that! Butt... u hav to admit thassa bad**s... mutha right there!”

The couple have three kids between them: Berry's 16-year-old daughter Nahla Ariela with ex Gabriel Aubrey, her 10-year-old son Maceo-Robert with ex-husband Olivier Martinez, and Hunt's son Drake.

Berry's latest snap to break the internet has had everyone doing a double take thanks to one very subtle - and slightly x-rated - detail.

Halle Berry, 57 (Instagram/@halleberry)
Halle Berry, 57 (Instagram/@halleberry)

“A little commotion for the dress,” she wrote, adding a winking emoji.

Channelling her inner Marilyn Monroe, Berry smiled in a stunning white dress as it blew upwards to reveal her upper thighs. Well, and then some...

Many agreed she looked absolutely ‘flawless’, saying the actor was a ‘natural beauty’.

However, one fan tapped in to what we were all thinking, as they commented: “Stop zooming in, guys.”

Another replied innocently: “I have no idea what you're talking about.”

Yep, the majority of people admitted they couldn’t help but zoom in to confirm if that was really what they thought they could see...

“I thought auntie Halle had her catwoman out!!!!!!!” one quipped.

Another added: “Everyone zoomed in on Halle's berry.”

Berry's latest snap has caused quite a stir online (X/@halleberry)
Berry's latest snap has caused quite a stir online (X/@halleberry)

Last year, the Oscar winner said she was embracing herself ageing, hoping to 'challenge' the preconceptions that often come with it.

In an essay for Women's Health last year, she explained: “The most important thing about owning your sexuality as a woman is accepting the station you’re at—and embracing that.

"And I say that because I’m smack dab in the middle of menopause."

Berry said menopause often marks a period where women feel like their life is 'over' or that 'society no longer has a place for you', adding: “I’m challenging all those stereotypes about how you have to look a certain way or feel a certain way.

“I’m my best self now that I reached 56 years old. I have the most to offer. I have zero blanks to give anymore. I’m solidly in my womanhood. I finally realize what I have to say.”

Featured Image Credit: X/halleberry

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