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Victoria Beckham nearly married another man before falling in love with David

Victoria Beckham nearly married another man before falling in love with David

Things could have been VERY different for Victoria Beckham

Posh and Becks are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary today (4 July), but things could have gone very differently if Victoria had stayed with her ex.

Now, while many of us have been absolutely obsessed with the Beckhams, it turns out the pair may never have even been an item as Victoria nearly married another man before she fell in love with David.

She once admitted she didn’t even 'give the ring back' when they eventually parted ways.

From the age of 14 to 20, Victoria dated an electrician called Mark Wood, who popped the question in 1994, just after she had auditioned for the Spice Girls.

She even adopted his surname during her early days with the band, having initially been known as Victoria Adams Wood.

Speaking about her former relationship with Channel 4’s The Big Breakfast Show a while back, she explained: "It wasn't the right person for me, I wasn't enjoying myself, so that had to end.

"But I didn't give him the ring back either! I've still got it because it was a wicked ring. Isn't that horrible? It makes me sound really materialistic."

Victoria was once engaged to an electrician called Mark. (Channel 4)
Victoria was once engaged to an electrician called Mark. (Channel 4)

Mark, who fitted burglar alarms, previously told The People that he felt ‘proud’ of Victoria’s achievements, despite being ‘sad’ that their relationship was over.

Speaking to the outlet in 1997, he said: "It was a very special relationship. But that part of my life is over. It's sad because we were together for a long time. But she's got what she always wanted and I'm proud of her."

However, he reportedly later changed his tune when Victoria told ITV documentary Being Victoria: "For some reason we got engaged. He was an alarm engineer. If only he'd stayed in that cupboard that I met him in at my mum's house."

Posh and Becks may have never been an item.(Samir Hussein/WireImage)
Posh and Becks may have never been an item.(Samir Hussein/WireImage)

It’s believed he wasn’t best pleased by her comments, going on to speak out about their sex life in 2004 Channel 5 documentary Victoria Beckham's Secrets.

At the time, a Channel 5 spokesperson said: "As they always say, revenge is a dish best served cold. Mark has never spoken before in public about his relationship with Victoria but feels it is time to set the record straight.

"Mark was quite hurt by what she said and doesn't intend sparing Victoria's blushes."

Featured Image Credit: Dave Hogan/Getty Images/Tim Roney/Getty Images

Topics: Victoria Beckham, David Beckham, Celebrity, Sex and Relationships, Wedding