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Where is Derrick Johnson from Netflix's 'disgusting' new sex crime documentary that left viewers sickened

Where is Derrick Johnson from Netflix's 'disgusting' new sex crime documentary that left viewers sickened

After landing on US Netflix last week, harrowing new documentary Tell Them You Love Me has scarred many viewers

Earlier this week, a harrowing new documentary landed on Netflix for subscribers watching in the US, which has subsequently left even the most hard-faced of true crime fanatics sickened to their stomachs.

So much so, that many American viewers are imploring their transatlantic cousins not to bother tuning in, in order to save them from the horror that befell cerebral palsy sufferer Derrick Johnson in the late Noughties.

For those unfamiliar with the torturous tale told in Tell Them You Love Me, allow us to catch you up on the horrific true story.

Back in 2009, Black, non-verbal, and disabled 28-year-old Derrick first came face to face with white and married university professor Anna Stubblefield, the teacher of his older brother, John.

John had initially approached his 39-year-old ethics lecturer in the hope of her being able to assist in Derrick's communication struggles.

Anna agreed and began teaching Derrick how to use a keyboard with LED screen to type, after which he began taking university classes with her.

It was during this time that mother-of-two Anna subsequently claimed that - though she was wed to someone else - she and Derrick fell in love and began an allegedly consensual, sexual relationship.

After eventually catching wind of Anna and Derrick's relations, his mother Daisy Johnson later argued in court that her son lacked the capacity to engage in both physical and emotional intimacy.

The story centres on disabled student Derrick Johnson. (Sky)
The story centres on disabled student Derrick Johnson. (Sky)

The heartbroken mum also insisted that Derrick lacked the ability to communicate in the way that Anna claimed he had.

She claimed that wouldn't have been possible without her manipulating his hands, being that he'd been declared by the state to have the mental capacity of a toddler.

As a result, in 2015 Anna was found guilty of two counts of first degree aggravated sexual assault and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Two years later, her appeal was granted and conviction revoked after a judge ruled she did not receive a fair trial.

She was given a new trial and took a plea deal, pleading guilty to third-degree aggravated criminal sexual contact.

She was sentenced to time served and released from prison, but placed on the sex offenders register for life and banned from contacting Derrick ever again.

Since its release in the States - despite pledging to explore why it was that testimony related to Anna's 'assistance' in his computer-led communication was dismissed - the Netflix documentary has been slammed by viewers.

And as well as its unfavourable reviews, many subscribers have been left with unanswered questions about the current status of those involved in the case, primarily Anna Stubblefield and Derrick Johnson themselves, who both appear in the programme, which is also available to UK viewers on Sky.

(Essex County Correctional Facility)
(Essex County Correctional Facility)

When it comes to Anna, upon her release from prison, she took up a job as a waitress, which she couldn’t hold onto for long due to the publicity surrounding her plea.

In the doc, she expresses that her current job, which is part-time from home, allows her to remain anonymous for the most part, which seems to be more beneficial.

And when it comes to Derrick, according to The Telegraph, he now lives with his mother Daisy in their home-state of New Jersey, attending adult day care daily, in which he partakes in communication exercises different to those taught to him by Anna.

"[He is someone who is] full of energy, who loves his food, who smiles a lot and who is able to both accept love and offer it," Tell Them You Love Me director Nick August-Perna described him as following his film's release.

UK viewers can watch Tell Them You Love Me on Sky or Now TV.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Crime, True Crime, Netflix, TV And Film