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Bridgerton fans spot subtle editing error in season three

Bridgerton fans spot subtle editing error in season three

Bridgerton producers have been criticised for the continuity error

There's seemingly nothing that eagle-eyed Bridgerton fanatics love more than spotting 'hidden' details that producers have included in the show, but this time fans have been left less than impressed after spotting a supposed editing error.

Just yesterday, a batch of Netflix subscribers were thrown down a rabbit hole after discovering the pretty mind-blowing 'hidden' reason why Penelope Featherington is always wearing yellow - prior to the most recent instalment, of course.

And, earlier this week, it was also revealed by Cressida Cowper actress Jessica Madsen that the series 'mean girl' had her hair styled in a particularly elaborate way during her heartbreaking final scene to give viewers a subtle message about her future.

As well as the several joyous details and anecdotes that high-alert viewers have been picking up on, there are, sadly, a number of continuity discrepancies that have also been raised by fans.

Now, a number of fans re-watching the latest instalment have pointed a subtle editing error which - quite frankly - I can't believe someone was actually able to notice!

Bridgerton is filled with hidden gems. (Netflix)
Bridgerton is filled with hidden gems. (Netflix)

In episode six, while Francesca is announcing her engagement to new love interest John Stirling, we see her sister Eloise sitting next to their mother Violet, and goes to grab her hand in excitement after the announcement.

In the seconds that follow, however, the shot cuts out to a wider one of the entire sitting room, showing Eloise doing the exact same thing all over again, by grabbing her mother’s hand.

Don't believe us? Have a look for yourself! The error takes place nine minutes and 49 seconds into the episode.

I promise, you won't be able to un-see it...

Eloise is seen to grab her mother's hand twice. (Netflix)
Eloise is seen to grab her mother's hand twice. (Netflix)

Earlier this week, some viewers couldn't help but feel baffled over the alleged 'inconsistencies' in characters' pregnancies.

One Reddit user pointed to the error at the time, given that that Penelope's sisters Prudence and Philippa seemed to be pregnant for yonks before all of a sudden, Pen herself has a baby at the end, with the tot looking the same age as the sisters' babies.

And in the days earlier, it was discovered that there seems to be somewhat of a lack of clarity when it comes to the whole Kate and Anthony - or Kanthony - storyline following their honeymoon.

So, for some context, at the end of season two the pair got back from their honeymoon to be greeted by Colin.

But then, at the beginning of season three, they get back AGAIN but Colin hasn't yet gotten back from his travels.

Tyla has contacted Netflix for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Netflix, Bridgerton, TV And Film