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The Notebook fans share mind-blowing theory about Noah and Allie’s house in the film

The Notebook fans share mind-blowing theory about Noah and Allie’s house in the film

Despite being 20 years old this year, fans still love coming up with theories about The Notebook

Fans of The Notebook have shared an eye-opening theory about Noah and Allie’s house in the rom-com.

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams portrayed the main characters of Noah and Allie Calhoun in the 2004 movie.

Despite being 20 years old this year, new theories about the film continue to crop up out of fans' love for the tragically beautiful plot line.

The Notebook takes place across two different timelines and uses flashbacks to tell the couple's love story.

We'll spare you the details if you - somehow - have yet to watch it. Though if you're planning on watching it for the first time, keeping a packet of tissues close at hand is a probably good idea.

Noah built Allie her dream house in The Notebook. (New Line Cinema)
Noah built Allie her dream house in The Notebook. (New Line Cinema)

A TikTok creator has recently thrown fans of The Notebook into a frenzy, after suggesting the house Noah built for Allie is actually the nursing home where he, in his old age, resides and recounts his love story with her.

They added in the caption: "I have watched The Notebook an EMBARRASSING amount of times and JUST found this out today."

People in the comments were also left questioning how they had only just found out the ground-breaking detail.

One said: “Lmao how did I not know this?”

Another added: “What, how didn’t I notice?”

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook. (New Line Cinema)
Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook. (New Line Cinema)

However, others were less convinced and claimed the theory isn't accurate, following a detail spotted in a deleted scene.

One user commented: “It’s not the same house. In a deleted scene he gifts the house to his kids.”

And much to the disappointment of fans, it seems to be more likely that the theory isn’t accurate.

In The Notebook, the nursing home is where the older version of Noah lives, while his house is shown in flashbacks to his younger days.

Noah's house is a white home located in a rural area - set near to a picturesque lake.

In the film, the nursing home is portrayed as a more sterile environment, lacking the charm and personal history of Noah's house.

Despite the lack of truth to the theory, the house still holds a significant meaning in the story as it symbolises Noah's deep commitment to Allie.

But this isn’t the only conspiracy theory suggested by fans about The Notebook, as one wrote: "Did anyone realise how she said in another life that she wanted to come back as a bird.

"And he said he’d be a bird too, and the beginning and end scenes are geese flying.

"They became birds together!"

Featured Image Credit: New Line Cinema

Topics: Ryan Gosling, TV And Film, TikTok