Read the latest health news and articles on celebrity health updates, cancer symptoms, weight loss drugs and more.
Many of us keep our windows firmly shut during the icy winter months
Apparently, we weren't even born with the body part we end up 'losing' later on in life
People experiencing the condition often have intense anxiety about their genitals
The 30-year-old singer opened up about his health in a short documentary released on YouTube a few years back in 2020
It's the latest executive order the Republican leader passed following his inauguration last Monday (20 January)
Some women have been left surprised after experiencing two periods in January
There's an extremely lengthy process behind making the breakfast food staple
Cancer Research UK experts believe 99.8 per cent of these cases are totally preventable through knowledge of the most over-looked symptoms
Products have already been recalled in several European countries
The 28-year-old actress bravely opened up about her mental health while filming the hit Netflix series
Doctors have made a specific claim about women with ADHD
The woman was still years away from when preventive screenings are recommended.
Mississippi State Senator Bradford Blackmon shared a statement explaining the reasoning behind the 'Contraception Begins at Erection Act'
The Four Weddings and a Funeral actress described one form of managing the pain as 'a miracle'
The actor noticed something was 'really up' after receiving hateful comments
The mum is urging people to 'advocate' for themselves
The former talk show host opened up about her weight loss journey on an episode of her podcast
The ER patient had no idea they'd been infested with taenia solium until they went to the hospital with a broken bone
The 21-year-old internet personality took to Instagram to share her response to backlash
Judi Dench has opened up about how her health is affecting her day-to-day life
Amy Schumer has opened up about how hate comments led to a shocking diagnosis
Have you ever wondered what goes on inside those soda fountains?
Marie suddenly became unwell after reuniting with her dog following a holiday
Dr Shirley Koeh has all the answers to your foamy question