It's Monday, which means you're probably already thinking about the weekend, right?
Well, what better way to prepare than some top tips for picking out the best bottle of Prosecco?
A TikTok user has shared a clever hack for when it comes to deciding which one to go for.
In a post to her channel, wine expert @lexiswinelist revealed that there are just a couple of key words people need to look out for when we're perusing the booze aisle.
She explained that while some may look down their nose at Prosecco as being the poor relation of Champagne, that's utter rubbish.
If you're willing to pay a bit extra for it, she says, Prosecco can be just as good.

She wrote: "Prosecco doesn’t have to be a cheap option for mimosas…you can find some great quality Prosecco for just a few $$ more! And IMO, it’s so worth it."
Letting her followers in on the top tip, Lexi revealed: "Look for 'Superiore' and 'DOCG' on the label.
"This indicates the highest level of quality for Prosecco."
It's just that simple.
She went on: "It comes from a specific area within the region and has been made in a way that meets the strict standards of quality.
“This bottle was only $3 more than a standard, mass-produced Prosecco next to it."

Adding: “So worth the extra few dollars."
Since she posted the video, it has been viewed more than 141,000 times, with people piling into the comments to thank Lexi for the inside track.
"YESSSS," wrote one. "This one is so good!!!”
Another said: "Good!"
Offering their own bit of expertise, another user said: "Also handy to look for one that says 'method traditionale', which means it’s made the same way as champagne but can’t be called that!"
To which Lexi replied: "Yes good point! But that is less common for Prosecco specifically since it’s almost always made using the tank method."
Topics: Food and Drink, TikTok