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Baba Vanga has made a very disturbing prediction about 2025

Baba Vanga has made a very disturbing prediction about 2025

These mystics won't let us have a day off will they

Blind mystic Baba Vanga is back at it again with another chilling prediction for 2025, and as usual, it doesn't look like there's much to look forward to.

Despite dying back in 1996, various prophesies and predictions about the future are still being attributed to the mystic, whose real name is Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova.

And as is usually the case with these things, most of them are pretty doom and gloom - although at least we'll be long gone before some of her predictions come to fruition.

Many of her die-hard followers claim she's already successfully predicted the likes of Princess Diana's death, the 9/11 terrorist attacks and even Barack Obama's presidency, so if any of what she's said is to be believed, it looks like we're in for a ropey next few centuries.

And 2025 is going to be a pretty significant year, according to the mystic - apparently setting off a chain reaction which could spell the end of days.

The beginning of the end, so to speak.

Here's a full timeline of what good old Baba reckons is in store for us, starting from the event that kicks it all off next year.

Baba Vanga loves to brighten our day with a prediction (Facebook)
Baba Vanga loves to brighten our day with a prediction (Facebook)

2025 - The beginning of the end

Baba reckons that humanity's downfall will be triggered in 2025.

Put down your tinfoil hats... the end of the world itself isn't supposed to happen next year, more so our downfall to doom will be kickstarted in 2025.

The event in question will be an 'unspecified conflict in Europe', with the major war set to devastate the entire continent.

Elsewhere in 2025, we can apparently expect a Putin assassination attempt, the use of AI in music and an economic crisis.

2028 - Venus mined for energy

Apparently in a desperate attempt to source more energy, within four years time we'll be scouring outer-space for the resource instead.

We'll be relying on Venus, apparently (Getty stock photo)
We'll be relying on Venus, apparently (Getty stock photo)

2033 - Melting ice caps

Baba reckons the polar ice caps will be completely melted by this point, causing mass global devastation as sea levels rise.

This is probably one of the more likely of her prophecies when you think about the horrific effects we're already seeing around the world due to climate change.

2076 - Rise of communism

Over four decades later, we can expect to see communism sweeping the entire globe, not just one state.

Kiss goodbye to the ice (Getty stock photo)
Kiss goodbye to the ice (Getty stock photo)

2130 - We make contact with aliens

Baba says it'll take us just over a century to finally make contact with aliens, but she also reckons the spacemen will reach out to us next year, so I wouldn't count on ET coming to life anytime soon.

2170 - Global drought

The effects of global warming will continue to devastate the planet according to the mystic, culminating in a devastating drought spreading across the entire planet. Yikes.

Is it finally going to happen? (Getty stock photo)
Is it finally going to happen? (Getty stock photo)

3005 - War with Mars

Given the fact that we're already looking at having human colonies on Mars, I wouldn't be surprised if it was us that started this martian conflict, but apparently a war is going to break out between Earth and the Red Planet.

She didn't specify who invaded first, so let's hope we didn't p*ss off those aliens that visited us in 2130.

We're going to war with the Red Planet, apparently (Getty stock photo)
We're going to war with the Red Planet, apparently (Getty stock photo)

3797 - Bye bye Earth

Given everything that's happened so far, it'll come as no surprise that Earth is on its way out by this point.

Baba says that by 3797, our planet will no longer be able to sustain life meaning we've either been wiped out or settled across the cosmos on another planet.

5079 - Bye bye everything

Slightly more than 1,000 years after Earth becomes uninhabitable is when everything is set to collapse, according to Baba.

Annoyingly she wasn't super clear on what 'the end' actually entailed, but humans won't be around, that's for sure.

Thanks for the mood boost, Baba...

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock image

Topics: Baba Vanga, Life