A boy born at 11:11 on 11/11/11 is today celebrating his 11th Birthday, and if you can hazard a guess to the young lad's lucky number then you're probably right.
Eleven-year-old Daniel Saunders from Hertfordshire is today celebrating his birthday, and it's a very important one considering the circumstances surrounding his birth.
Being born on the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 2011 will make your 11th birthday a pretty important milestone.
Sticking with the general theme of the celebrations he'll be receiving 11 presents, though his parents might want to make sure he knows the number of gifts he'll get isn't tied to his age or it'll just keep going up each year.

Daniel is ecstatic to be having his special birthday where all the number 11s align properly, with the figure having become his own personal lucky number.
He said: "I've been looking forward to this birthday a lot! It’s more exciting than any other birthday has ever been.
"Eleven is a master number in numerology and it means I have good potential in the future. It's my lucky number and it’s easy to remember. Nobody ever forgets my birthday!"
It's an incredible stroke of luck, and a surprising one for Daniel's family as he was due to be born on 17 November.
However, a week before the due date mum Charlotte was told her son was in an awkward position and she needed to have a C-section, which was booked in for 11 November and resulted in Daniel being born at 11:11am.

Daniel's dad Jason reckons his son's incredible birthdate is 'brilliant' and 'a real day to remember' as he thought 'there was no way on Earth' everything would align.
He said doctors had told him there was 'no chance' their son would be born at 11:11, but Daniel was 'clinging onto his mum's rib cage' and took a bit of time to bring out.
One big piece of advice he had for his son was not to use his birthday as a PIN number, saying he was 'pretty stuck on that one' when it came to ideas.
Daniel will be celebrating his big day with football and a pizza party, with mum Charlotte saying she's hoping for 11 goals on this day already so dominated by 11s.
Here's hoping we're still here a century later in 2122 to celebrate Daniel making it to his 111th birthday.