For a lot of people, getting married means a name change as well as a new family.
But as one bride-to-be realised, sometimes changing your name can do more harm than good, as her new initials spell out the last thing you'd want as a name.
Now, at this point, it's worth noting that when you get married, you don't necessarily have to change your name, especially as it's a patriarchal norm that for many is outdated in 2023.
But regardless, the seriously dark meaning of her new initials has left this bride-to-be questioning if she should change her name altogether.
The lady's name is Kathryn Keller and her future name will be Kathryn Keller Keith.
Her initials will therefore be KKK - the notorious name for the American white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan.
Sharing her problem in a video that shows her looking shocked, she wrote in the caption: "What I tell people what my initials after wedding will be."
She then added: "If you check my profile, you will get it."
The bride-to-be then clarified in a follow-up video: "For reference, when I get married, my initials will be KKK.
"I'm obviously not affiliated with them at all, it's just a very unfortunate circumstance.
"I'm thinking to change my middle name but I don't even know what I should change to - there are so many options."

This prompted TikTok users to attempt to come to the rescue with alternate middle name suggestions.
One wrote: "If middle name is Keller, what about Ellery or Elle to keep as many letters similar as possible?"
"Kathryn Elaine is pretty and flows nicely... " suggested a second while a third wrote: "I took my maiden name as my middle name."
Kathryn then clarified that she didn't want to use her maiden name because it is 'so long' but said that she really liked the suggestions of Ellery or Elle.
She replied: "Ok wait, I love this. This might be my favourite idea. I hadn't thought of that."

As reported by the BBC, while fewer women in the US were taking their husband's surnames in 2020, it was still the practice adopted by the majority - with 70% choosing to do it.
The practice is even more common in the UK, where 90% of women take their husband's surnames.
Simon Duncan, a professor in family life at the University of Bradford, remarked: "It is quite surprising... [that the majority of women still change their names] since it comes from patriarchal history, from the idea that a woman, on marriage, became one of the man's possessions."
Topics: TikTok, Sex and Relationships