Topics: Health, Women's Health, NHS, Food and Drink, TikTok
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Topics: Health, Women's Health, NHS, Food and Drink, TikTok
At the start of a new year, we all tend to take a long, hard look at our health and wonder when we last went to the gym.
If you're putting protecting your heart health at the top of your list of resolutions, a cardiologist has shared his tips of how to avoid a heart attack before the age of sixty.
It can sometimes feel like we're overwhelmed with knowledge and suggestions of what to do (and what not to do) but an expert would be the person to listen to.
Heart attacks are most common in those aged 65+, but there has been a worrying increase in younger people, according to experts.
Dr. Evan S. Levine is a cardiologist for Mount Sinai Health in Scarsdale, and he shared a TikTok with his best advice on ways to prevent a heart attack before the age of 60. Here are some of his top tips.
Smoking can be a cause of many health problems, including cancer, breathing problems and more. The bad news is smokers are nearly twice as likely to have a heart attack as non-smokers.
Dr Levine confirmed smoking damages blood vessels, and can also increase your blood pressure and reduce the levels of oxygen in your blood.
As well as cigarettes, Levine warns about cocaine use, as it can raise heart rate and blood pressure.
Who doesn't love a fizzy drink (or two)? But you might need to rethink things if you're wanting to protect your heart.
According to a Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health study, sugar-sweetened beverages can badly increase your risk of heart disease. And worse is, it doesn't matter how much you exercise either.
They can contribute to high blood pressure, cause chronic inflammation and elevate your cholesterol.
Bad news if you're a fan of a takeaway. We all know we should be eating more salad and vegetables if you're trying to lose weight, but that regular food delivery could be damaging your heart, too.
Fast food is high in deliciousness, but also high in fat, salt and calories. It can lead to weight gain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Chances are your resolution includes going back to use that gym membership you signed up for last January and then promptly forgot about.
Exercise not only helps you to lose weight, but it can help to strengthen the heart muscle. The more efficient it is, the more it helps to pump blood, and again cholesterol is reduced.
We should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week, and two days of muscle strengthening.
Modern life can be tough when it comes to stress, but trying to relax more and reduce stress levels can be beneficial to your heart.
Stress hormones like cortisol are elevated when we are under chronic stress. It can raise blood pressure and blood sugar and it puts pressure on the heart.
Many people turn to smoking and eating fast food in order to reduce stress levels, which as the earlier points show, can increase heart stress. Dr Levine suggests soft music instead.
It's important to find ways to reduce the fat around your stomach, as it can impact heart health.
“Lose weight, especially if you have it in that central area,” says Dr Levine. “Central obesity [is] associated with hypertension, elevated triglycerides, fatty liver, elevated lipids. That’s that metabolic syndrome, and it’s a killer.”