There are a number of different habits and behaviours many of us are guilty of, but according to the experts, they’re probably doing more harm than good.
In a bid to spread awareness about the ways we put our health and safety at risk, a group of orthopaedic surgeons revealed the things they would never do themselves..
Orthopaedic surgeons treat and prevent issues of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves.
Doctors at Orthopedic Specialists, an orthopaedic care provider based in Palm Harbor, Florida, US, use their social media platforms to spread awareness about surgery and the human body.
In one viral clip, several orthopaedic surgeons revealed the habits many people do each day without knowing the risks. Each member of the team was asked, “what’s one thing you’d never do as an orthopaedic surgeon?”

Firstly, Dr. Beatty said he would never crack his own neck.
He explained: “If you crack your own neck, you have an artery that runs through there called the vertebral artery which puts it at risk of damage which can lead to a stroke.”
Dr. Brotherton said he would never do squats past 90 degrees, ‘because nothing says patella cartilage injury like a** to grass’.
Meanwhile, Dr. James said he would never let his child ride on a lawn mower.
When asked why, he said: “I’ve seen a lot of kids riding on grandpa’s lap, thinking it was very innocent, and the child falls off and their legs get eaten up by the lawnmower blades."
And Dr. Taylor said: “I would never ride my bike and attach my dog’s leash to the bike.”
People in the comments weighed in on the expert medical advice, and some shared shocking stories about the times they did all of these activities before becoming aware of the dangers.
One commenter wrote: “I was cracking it [neck] all the time until one time I pulled a muscle and got a 10/10 sharp pain on any neck movement for several days. Never again.”
Another viewer commented: “As a cheer coach and PTA, yes to all of these.”
Medical experts have been using social media to spread awareness about how we can take proper care of our bodies.
If you're guilty of clicking your knuckles too much, you'll have likely been told by friends or family that it can cause health implications, such as arthritis.
A doctor who posts on TikTok shed light on what actually happens when you crack your knuckles.
"When you pull your finger to crack your joint you make the joint space between the bones bigger and this sucks the ligaments in and makes a gas bubble pop into existence," explained Dr. Karl.
Citing long-term studies, there is no evidence that cracking your knuckles is directly linked to developing arthritis later in life, Dr. Karl said.
Topics: Health