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People who 'died' then came back to life all give extremely common description about what they felt

People who 'died' then came back to life all give extremely common description about what they felt

There's a common thread in the answers of those who have 'clinically died' before coming back to life

Shuffling off our mortal coil is something absolutely none of us want to think about, but it is simply just another path, one that we all must take when the time comes.

Whether or not you believe in an afterlife is your thing - but one of the only ways to feel solace surrounding the death process is hearing from people who claim they've seen the other side and thankfully, it's all good, relaxing news.

One person took to Reddit to ask: "Redditors who have “died” and come back to life, what did you see?"

One person responded: "Overwhelming peace and happiness. A bright airy and floating feeling. I live a very stressful life. Imagine finding out the person you have had a crush on reveals they have the same feelings for you and then you win the lotto later that day - that was the feeling I had.

One person felt 'overwhelming peace' (Getty Stock Image)
One person felt 'overwhelming peace' (Getty Stock Image)

"I never feared death afterwards and am relieved when I hear of people dying after suffering with an illness."

Another revealed: "My dad's heart stopped when he had a heart attack and he had to be brought back to life. He kept the paper copy of the heart monitor which shows he flatlined. He said he felt an overwhelming sensation of peace, like nothing he had felt before."

A third added: "Exactly the same thing happened to my dad and he said he felt like he was becoming lighter any second and ascending to the air. He said it was so peaceful and calming when he was back by CPR, the first thing he had said was: why did you bring me back? He didn't make it on second one. I'm sure he is in peace now."

It is possible for people to 'clinically die' and come back to life (Getty Stock Image)
It is possible for people to 'clinically die' and come back to life (Getty Stock Image)

And a fourth chimed: "Not really the question but I have had my two grandfathers pass away recently, both on their deathbed have said their mothers were there to take them."

Many others in the comments expressed relief at the overwhelming response of it being a positive, peaceful experience.

One person replied saying: "This is strangely so beautiful. To know that in one’s final moments there is a release that makes that conscious passing easier is quite a thing."

In 2019, Charlotte Holmes, who hailed from Wichita in Kansas, 'died for 11 minutes' following a routine check-up with her cardiologist.

Her heart stopped and she was declared clinically dead.

Charlotte opened up about her experience on The 700 Club and said: "I could smell the most beautiful flowers I've ever smelled, and then I heard music.

"When I opened my eyes, I knew where I was. I knew I was in heaven."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Life, Real Life