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Doctor reveals disturbing reason he’ll ‘never eat’ potato salad

Doctor reveals disturbing reason he’ll ‘never eat’ potato salad

The family favourite dish may be more dangerous than you thought

A doctor has taken to social media to share the disturbing reason why he avoids potato salad at all costs.

The family favourite dish seems like one of the most inoffensive foods we could go for.

What's not to like about the carby side dish? Well, it seems there's something we should fear, according to an expert.

A gastroenterologist at the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland & Northern Ohio (AMCNO) told TikTok the one thing he'd 'never do' is in fact 'eat potato salad at a barbecue.'

A second person then backs up the original point, stating plainly: "I would never eat potato salad."

One person commented: "I wanna know the lecture that led to the potato salad lol."

(Getty Stock Image)
(Getty Stock Image)

A second said: "awww man I love potato salad! damn!"

So, what's all the fuss about?

In a follow up video, the professional shared: "I don't eat potato salad anymore because all of the 'med school tests on food borne illnesses' is always related to potato salad at picnics."

As per the Daily Mail: "When left out in the temperature danger zone — 40-140 degrees — for more than 2 hours, the amount of bacteria can grow massively."

Somebody commented: "Potato salad is so real bc the mayo shouldn’t be left out and cooked potatoes are actually toxic when not refrigerated and ppl love to leave that stuff out at room temp lol."

Another professional advised people to wear helmets (Getty Stock Image)
Another professional advised people to wear helmets (Getty Stock Image)

And a second person added: "'At picnic' is the crucial words! Potato salad made properly and kept chilled below 40° is perfectly fine."

A third added: "My mom drilled it into me- if you didn’t make the salad (egg/chicken/potato) yourself - don’t eat it."

But it wasn't all food related.

Another medical mind shared one thing they'd never do is compromise on their safety.

They shared: "I would never ride a bicycle, snowboard or skateboard anywhere without a helmet.

"I used to own an electric skateboard that I'd ride around campus, and I would not ride a helmet when I rode it.

"So I would now always wear a helmet."

Definitely sound advice.

Another gastroenterologist said they would 'never eat sweetened foods.'

A medical student added: "Something I would never do is neglect the amount of fibre I have in my diet."

Another said they'd never ride a motorcycle, and a third said they'd never 'get warm lake water' up their nose.

Other responses included that eating expired food is a total no-go, while another simply said they'd never smoke.

Featured Image Credit: MSPhotographic/Getty Images/TikTok/@academymedcle

Topics: Food and Drink, Health, Advice, TikTok, Social Media