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Pizza Delivery Driver Leaves Shocking Message For Drunk Customer Who Fell Asleep

Pizza Delivery Driver Leaves Shocking Message For Drunk Customer Who Fell Asleep

Who else is guilty of this?

Ali Condon

Ali Condon

Is there anything more terrifying than waking up from a wild night out and having to check your phone to see what chaos you caused?

This mother had a serious case of the Sunday scaries when she woke up to a rather aggressive voicemail from a pizza delivery driver who was furious after she fell asleep before he arrived.

Have a listen to the voicemail here:

We can all surely agree that there's nothing better than some greasy food after stumbling home from a wild night out.

But when you kick off your heels and change into your pyjamas, the wait for your food to arrive can seem like an eternity.

Emily Ross, 24, had ordered a 12-inch barbecue chicken pizza and a kebab from Pasha Pizza in Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, while walking home from a night out at 11.45pm on Saturday night.

While waiting for the food to arrive so she could pay by cash, Emily fell asleep at the top of her stairs, missing the pizza when it arrived just before 1.30am.

The following morning, after realising she had missed the delivery, Emily picked up her phone to call the takeaway and offer to pay, but instead found a very angry 14-second voicemail left at 1.27am berating her for not answering the door.

In the voicemail, the Pasha Pizza delivery driver calls Emily a "b*****d stupid motherf****r" among other things.

Emily has since said that she found the incident "funny", though she added she would never usually act like that as it is "awful" not to pay.

Detailing the incident, she explained: "I ordered the takeaway when I was on my way home but I was absolutely mortal so I don't even know how I got a sentence out then I fell asleep at the top of the stairs.

"I was passed out at the top of the stairs and I didn't hear him knock or my phone ring. I don't even remember calling and making the order. I don't know how I even got a sentence out.

"I was devastated when I realised I'd missed him. I was starving. When I got up and listened to the voicemail, I just thought 'what on earth?'. I was laughing, luckily I found it funny and it didn't bother me. I didn't take it too seriously."

Amused by the potty-mouthed voicemail, Emily recorded it and shared it to Facebook, where it already has over 10,000 shares.

Emily was "mortal" when she made the call. (
Kennedy News and Media)

Since the voicemail took off online, a spokesperson from Pasha Pizza has come forward to confirm that the driver in question has since been sacked.

They said: "We are aware of the presence of the voicemail online, unfortunately this was our driver and he has since been fired. This is not how we would operate no matter the circumstances.

"The lady in question called the shop at 00:31am on the 23rd of January 2022, 30 minutes after closing hours and begged us to take her order.

"We kindly agreed and kept five of our staff members working after they were ready to go home, we switched the equipment back on and made her order.

"However, when our driver arrived at her home there were people inside the home and he could hear them clearly laughing, he kept knocking but no one answered the door.

"He then came back to the store and was instructed to call the customer again just in case they had given the wrong address, again there was no answer.

"This went on with the shop trying to contact her until 1:27am. The driver then lost his temper and unfortunately left an angry voicemail."

Emily shared the voicemail online. (
Kennedy News and Media)

The restaurant spokesperson added that since the voicemail went viral online, Pasha Pizza has been inundated with abuse and harrassment.

They said: "Since this incident we have been subjected to over 100 harassment calls to the shop.

"We have also had people voicing that they know where the owner lives and even had one person send messages and make threats that he was going to come to the owner's home and even stated the name of the owner's next-door neighbour.

"Due to all of this we have had to contact the police who are now dealing with this situation due to the harassment and threats being made."

Northumbria Police have been contacted for comment.

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Life, Real Life