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‘Dry-tipping’ is the latest trend taking over Gen Z and it’s actually a really good idea

‘Dry-tipping’ is the latest trend taking over Gen Z and it’s actually a really good idea

There's yet another wellness trend Gen Z are absolutely obsessed with

Yesterday marked the start of Sober October which challenges people to give up drinking for an month - whether to help raise money for cancer or simply benefit their health.

However, it's clear that Sober October - or Sober Tobez if you're down with the kids - is far from the only alcohol challenge out there as the latest 'dry-tripping' trend is seemingly taking over Gen Z and it’s actually a really good idea.

But what on earth does 'dry-tripping' mean and why are young people so obsessed with it at the mo?

Could 'dry-tipping' be the next big wellness craze? (Lorado / Getty Images)
Could 'dry-tipping' be the next big wellness craze? (Lorado / Getty Images)

What is dry-tripping?

Dry-tipping is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin - going 'dry' AKA not drinking whenever you take a trip.

So that means abstaining from consuming any alcohol altogether on holiday.

Less intense versions of the trend may see 'dry-trippers' only opting for low-alcohol-based drinks instead.

'Dry-tripping' is all about reigning it in on holibobs (Kevin Trimmer / Getty Images)
'Dry-tripping' is all about reigning it in on holibobs (Kevin Trimmer / Getty Images)

What are the benefits of dry-tripping?

Now, as we all know, alcohol is a toxin meaning that excessive amounts of it will inevitably have a negative impact on your overall health.

Cutting down your drinking on holiday can help lower your blood pressure, lower your risk of heartburn and indigestion, increase your energy levels, lose weight, sleep better and even save you money!

Think of all the wonga you'd be forking out on beachside cocktails, bottles of wine over lunch and the seemingly unavoidable limoncello shots after dinner.

Not only that, but it can severely affect your mental health too with many social drinkers' biggest fear being the dreaded yet all too relatable hangxiety that follows a big night out.

Oh yeah, then there's your bog-standard absolutely life-shattering hangovers that end up ruining the next day's plans.

'Dry-tripping' could do wonders for both your physical and mental health (Guido Mieth / Getty Images)
'Dry-tripping' could do wonders for both your physical and mental health (Guido Mieth / Getty Images)

How to implement dry-tripping after a holiday?

It's no wonder that the new wellness trend is taking social media by storm given that 'dry-trippers' reports feeling way more in control, feeling heaps better both emotionally and physically and able to enjoy experiences on holiday more than the sensation of getting hammered.

While a temporary period of time, like a holiday, may be easier to stick to when it comes to cutting out alcohol as it gives you an end - sober curious people can easily implement the new drinking trend once they return to everyday life.

You could challenge yourself to allocate one specific day a week or even an entire weekend to practice staying 'dry'.

If that sounds like too much of a jump, you could always test the waters with low alcohol content beverages or even 'zebra striping' - a fashionable rebrand for drinking soft drinks in between alcoholic beverages.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Image

Topics: Health, Life, Travel, Holiday, Money