Waking up feeling sick every morning can be debilitating, especially when you're not sure of the cause, or how to fix it.
While there are a number of reasons why you might be feeling queasy in the morning - some more serious than others - it's important to try and understand why you're feeling off.
Dr Claire Merrifield, a GP and medical director at Selph, has told Tyla that there are a whole bunch of reasons as to why you could feel poorly first thing in the morning.
However, it's important to note that if you are suffering from consistent nausea, it's important to seek medical advice.
It's also crucial to understand when nausea is concerning.

According to Medical News Today, you should seek emergency medical attention if your nausea is paired with any of the following: vomiting blood; intense stomach pain; a high fever or changes in consciousness or awareness.
They also explained that those with diabetes who experience intense nausea that does not ease after eating could be experiencing diabetic ketoacidosis, where, according to the NHS, a lack of insulin causes a chemical called ketone to increase in the blood, and should seek emergency care immediately as it can be life-threatening.
Dehydration and low blood sugar
One of the biggest reasons you may wake up feeling groggy is down to dehydration. Dr Merrifield explains that some people may feel dehydrated or have low blood sugar levels in the morning.
"If you eat your dinner at 6pm, and go to bed at 10pm, waking up at 6am, you won’t have eaten or drunk for 12 hours, which is a long time." she said.
So, if you find that after you’ve eaten something or had a drink the feeling goes away, it might be a good idea to try and eat a bit more for dinner or take a glass of water to bed.
However, if it doesn’t help and this feeling persists, it’s important to see a doctor.

Acid reflux
A second reason why you may be feeling so sick in the morning is down to acid reflux.
Also known as heartburn, the NHS explains that acid reflux is a burning feeling in the chest caused by stomach acid travelling up towards the throat.
"Acid reflux can often be worse at night on an empty stomach, usually eating breakfast or taking an over the counter anti-acid medicine will help if this is the culprit," Dr Merrifield warned.
"If it’s a persistent issue it can be helpful to test for the bacteria Helicobacter pylori which is a common cause of acid reflux."

Anxiety and stress
As we know, our mental health can have a huge impact on our physical health with Dr Merrifield outlining: "Anxiety and stress can cause physical symptoms, which often include headaches, migraines and nausea.
"If you’ve had a particularly bad night’s sleep, or suffer from insomnia, you might often wake up feeling nauseous."
According to the expert, you can minimise these feelings by practising mindfulness and meditation before bedtime.
Light exercise such as a short walk in the evening may also help.
"Again, it’s important that you see a doctor if you are feeling particularly stressed and anxious and this is causing you to feel sick in the morning." the doctor reiterated.
And last, but by no means least, is pregnancy.
Now, don't freak out, but Dr Merrifield explained the sickness in the morning is 'a common symptom in early pregnancy', adding: "If there is a chance you could be pregnant, it’s important to take a pregnancy test as soon as you can."
And as a general suggestion, the doctor recommended: "Anyone who feels sick a lot with no obvious cause should talk things through with their doctor to check for the cause."
Topics: Health, Mental Health