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Grim reason air fryer owners are warned never to cook bacon in one

Grim reason air fryer owners are warned never to cook bacon in one

It might be tempting, but it's a better idea to cook bacon on the hob instead of in the air fryer

It seems like just about everyone nowadays owns an air fryer.

Whether you're crisping up some frozen oven fries or sorting an entire BBQ banquet from the comfort of your kitchen countertop, it's clear these little gadgets have totally revolutionised the way we cook.

And of course, they’re cheaper to run than an oven - and in the middle of this blistering cost-of-living crisis, we're all for anything that will save us a few quid.

But as it turns out, there might be a few more rules than we originally thought.

Bacon lovers have been warned against cooking it in an air fryer. (LauriPatterson / Getty Images)
Bacon lovers have been warned against cooking it in an air fryer. (LauriPatterson / Getty Images)

It’s long been understood that the perfect way to cook bacon rather than with lashings of oil in a frying pan is in an air fryer.

I’m sorry, but we’re here to rain on your parade with that one... At least you'll be able to avoid the dreaded clean up.

Dietitian Brenda Peralta has warned that due to the high fat content in bacon, it’s not a good idea whatsoever.

Brenda told Huffington Post: “It is a fatty food, and when it is cooked in an air fryer, the fat can drip down and cause smoke or splatter. This can make the bacon difficult to cook evenly, and it can also produce a lot of smoke and odours."

Of course, more troublesome than the scent of bacon filling the air is the idea that it’s cooked unevenly - running the risk of food poisoning.

Apparently, it’s not always aesthetically pleasing either.

She continued: "A bacon strip is a small and delicate food, and it can be difficult to flip or remove from the air fryer basket without breaking it."

There's a risk bacon will cook unevenly. (cj white / Getty Images)
There's a risk bacon will cook unevenly. (cj white / Getty Images)

And if you’re cooking up a bacon-storm for some friends, that’s probably another reason to avoid the beloved air fryer.

Brenda added: "The air fryer basket may not be large enough to accommodate a large quantity of bacon. This can make it difficult to cook a lot of bacon at once, which can be inconvenient if you are cooking for a group."

So, bacon is probably one to avoid when it comes to the wonderful world of air fryers.

We can now add that to the list, including the items forbidden by TikToker Nicole Jacques.

Nicole explained that the three foods to avoid at all costs are cheese, cake donuts and rice.

On the bright side, dietitian Brenda did share some foods that are a match made in heaven with air fryers.

They include Brussels sprouts, roast potatoes, falafel, and breaded chicken.

Given how much food you still can put in the glorious device, we still think they’re well worth it.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Food and Drink, Life, Air Fryer, Advice, Life Hacks, Hacks