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Gen Z '666' dating rule explained as women use to find perfect partner despite causing controversy

Gen Z '666' dating rule explained as women use to find perfect partner despite causing controversy

Say what you like about Gen Z, but their imaginations definitely seem to come up with a never ending list of dating trends

Gen Z are at it again with coining a new dating term, and this time it's '666 dating' - though rest assured, it's nothing to do with the devil.

The Gen Zers amongst us, armed with TikTok and their colourful imaginations, are never coming up short of brand new terms we've never heard of - that they seemingly live their life by.

We've had 'simmer dating', followed by getting 'zombied', and honestly, the list is endless so let's just focus on the latest one.

'666 dating' is now sweeping the internet with many admitting it's the rule they live by when looking for somebody new to date.

Have you ever used the 666 rule? (Getty Stock Image)
Have you ever used the 666 rule? (Getty Stock Image)

Some have even gone so far as to write on X: "Living by the 666 rule."

But what is it, I hear you ask?


It means the object of your romantic interest must be these following things to be considered:

  • 6 foot tall
  • Earns 6 figures
  • Has a 6 pack

Not a lot to ask, I'm sure you'll agree.

Needless to say, it's sparked a huge debate online.

One person wrote on Reddit: "What do you guys think of the 666 rule, honestly?

I'm mostly being humorous posting this but I recently heard a friend say "gotta follow the 666 rule. 6 pack abs, 6 figure salary, 6 feet tall". Thought that was pretty funny."

Having a six pack is non-negotiable for some (Getty Stock Image)
Having a six pack is non-negotiable for some (Getty Stock Image)

One person wrote: "People joke about this but I've never met anyone who uses these standards for anything but a short fling/hookup."

A second said: "That's a great way to say yourself up for disappointment and heart ache."

Meanwhile, a third chimed: "You can’t help what you’re attracted to. Say you’re someone who is only into men who are over 6’ tall; but if they your dream person was standing there with every other box checked off. Would you be superficial because maybe he’s a bit under 6’0? Kinda yeah. Because you’re into this man for every other reason."


In case the discovery has scared you, Dating by Blaine advised that 'none of these traits are a requirement for most women.'

She added: "Height, income, and physique are a tiny subset of the hundreds of traits that make up the greater tableau of who you are, and who she’s hoping to meet."

Without mincing her words, the writer focused her attention on the men on the receiving end.

She added that hearing about the '666 rule' allows men to 'evade responsibility for their dating woes.'

She concluded: "For example, it’s a lot easier on your ego to believe that women aren’t interested in you because you’re short ("my height’s out of my control" —> "being single and unhappy isn’t my fault”) than to believe that women aren’t interested in you because you’re insecure, low-empathy, creepy, or boring."

Much to think about.

Featured Image Credit: Janina Steinmetz/Getty Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Social Media