A woman from Maryland was out of work for weeks after getting 'intense' and 'severe' ringworm from the gym.
Going to the gym can be a bit of slog at the best of times, as sticking to a routine isn't always easy. And if you're one of those people who is always looking for an excuse not to go, this woman's experience may just put you off for life.
Jamie Samnang from Maryland, US, was 'shocked' and 'disgusted' after she contracted ringworm from her local gym after forgetting to do this one thing.

Now, for those of you who don't know, ringworm is 'a contagious fungal infection caused by common mold-like parasites that live on the cells in the outer layer of your skin', as per Mayo Clinic.
For those that have it, the experience is far from pleasant. Presenting as a red rash - sometimes darker depending on your skin tone - 'the rash may be scaly, dry, swollen or itchy.'
According to the NHS, 'ringworm can also appear anywhere on the body, including the scalp (tinea capitis) and groin (jock itch).'
How nice.
After a gym session last September, Samnang, 41, thought she had simply been bitten by a mosquito - that was until it began to spread all over her body.

“I thought maybe I'd been bitten by a mosquito, but as the days went on it kept getting worse,” the beauty and makeup specialist said.
“Bite cream wasn't working and I started to get these red raised bumps that were filled with pus.
“I was itching so severely that I was bleeding.”
A much needed visit to the dermatologist left Samnang feeling 'shocked and disgusted' after she was told that 'gyms are one of the number one areas for ringworm because it's hot, sweaty, and moist.'
“It's the perfect breeding ground for fungal growth.”
But how exactly did Samnang catch ringworm at the gym?
The Maryland resident admits she placed her bare arms on one of the workout machines without wiping it down first.

And as the NHS explains, ringworm can be 'passed through close contact with an infected person or animal, infected objects, such as bedsheets, combs or towels, infected soil, although this is less common'.
As awful as it sounds, ringworm is treatable with medication, with Samnang having to apply an anti fungal cream three times a day for three long weeks.
“I couldn't go to work. It was really, really bad. It was so severe.
“[I had to] bleach, I had to sterilize, I had to get new bed sheets and I couldn't sleep near my husband because I was going to get him infected.”
Lessons have been learned as now when she works out, she said: “Everything is long sleeved.
“I just can't take that risk because it was so severe.
“It’s a nightmare.
"Not everybody is always going to remember to wipe down and unfortunately I was one of those.”
Don't forget to wipe the machines down, kids.