If you’ve ever wondered what working for the rich and famous is like, you’re going to regret it after reading what this hotel operations manager revealed.
When you think of the rich, you might think that they’re all refined and sensible.
According to someone who’s in the know, they’re actually more like animals.
Explaining his career path, he shared that he’s seen it all from semen to people flinging faeces around the place.
The anonymous manager was adamant that the behaviour he saw was far from ‘human’.
It’s pretty dark.

The manager spoke to Vice about it all, donning a white, expressionless mask during the interview.
The manager left no room for fluff when he got straight to the gross stuff.
He began: "The hotel industry is a wild experience that helps you understand how disconnected the wildly wealthy are. I've seen the darker side of humanity – suicides, murders, spousal abuse, human trafficking – that sh*t stays with you for a long time."
He even went on to talk about a time a group of wealthy customers, which was a party of around 60 people, rented out the whole hotel.
It’s not cheap to do that.
In fact, it cost a whopping £250,000 for two days.
If you’re wondering why 60 people would splash the cash for a two-day celebration, prepare yourself for the answer.
It was for a massive orgy.
Did they clean up after themselves? Nope.
The manager claimed it was ‘a nightmare room’.

He said there were ‘blood faeces, semen, fans - one of my bellboys came up and was like I've got a black light I'm curious.’
“He turned it on, and I remember we looked down and saw the stains, we looked to the sides and saw him on the wall, at one point in the bathroom we looked up and saw them all in the ceiling, and we were just like how, 'how do you do this? This is not human. Were you on the ceiling?'"
But that’s not even the tip of the iceberg.
According to the professional, one time the housekeeping staff noticed that a shower was broken, so the manager went to check it out.
They 'hacksawed off the actual shower piece [only to find] the shower head and attached a four-foot-long anal probe hose to it with multiple settings on the other end'.
The manager said: "The higher up that price value, the more common it is to be treated like you're less than human.
"The people who are coming to visit you – famous pop stars, Russian oligarchs – they have a private plane that they get on, a private vehicle with all tinted blocked out windows, sometimes they have security squads [and] they'll snap their fingers at them.
"Very large sense of entitlement where if they approach the desk they are the only thing that exists to you at that moment and that's what they came to expect from that level of entering a luxury hotel."
Topics: Money, News, Sex and Relationships, Crime, Domestic Abuse, Jobs