A former model who spent thousands on cosmetic procedures in a bid to look like reality TV star Kim Kardashian has now chosen to revert to her original look.
Jennifer Pamplona, 29, underwent over 40 procedures over the course of 12 years, setting her back by $600,000 (£486k) in the hope of emulating Keeping Up With The Kardashians star Kim, 42.
However, she soon found being mistaken for a Kardashian 'annoying' as people would focus on this rather than her achievements.
Jennifer said: “People would call me a Kardashian and it started to get annoying. I had worked and studied and was a businesswoman.
"I had done all these things and had all these achievements in my personal life, but I was only being recognised because I looked like a Kardashian.”

The 29-year-old soon realised she was suffering from body dysmorphia and decided she wanted to return to original looks, requiring her to undergo further surgeries to 'enhance her naturalness'.
Jennifer tracked down a doctor based in Istanbul who said he would be able to help her get back to her old appearance.
She said: “I saw on the computer beforehand how I would look and it was like I was having a rebirth."

Jennifer recently underwent the operations, which set her back by a further $120,000 (£97k).
Detailing what she had done, the former model explained: “I had a face and neck lift, buccal fat removal, cat eye surgery, a lip lift and a nose job all at once. I went into the operation room as one person and I came out as another.”
However, she suffered complications during the surgery and found herself "bleeding from her cheeks" following an infection.

Jennifer revealed she thought she was "dying", adding: “I was thinking to myself, ‘What the hell have I done with my life?’"
The 29-year-old is now recovering, with the final results of her surgery yet to be seen as she still has severe bruising and swelling.
Nevertheless, she is feeling positive as she is now 'who she wanted to be'.
“The best feeling is knowing I’m not in a fight with myself anymore,” Jennifer said. “I am now who I wanted to be and I really now understand the meaning of life.”
“I feel like I can help a lot of people with my life story, but my face is beautiful and now I look even more beautiful,” she said.
Jennifer has been sharing selfies after her recent procedures in a bid to show people the truth behind cosmetic surgery.
Speaking about why she's shared the photos, Jennifer explained: “There are people who make it [surgery] look good on Instagram but life isn’t perfect, and being addicted to surgery isn’t a good thing."
She's revealed she's working on a documentary about the dangers of the operations, which is titled 'Addiction'.
Jennifer has also teamed up with a doctor to open up a foundation in Brazil where people suffering from body dysmorphia can seek treatment.