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People are sharing unusual hay fever hacks with their diet as UK hit by ‘pollen bomb’

People are sharing unusual hay fever hacks with their diet as UK hit by ‘pollen bomb’

Hay fever sufferers are set to be put through their paces thanks to the extremely high pollen count

Attention all UK hay fever sufferers - we're set for a 'pollen bomb' over the next couple of days.

The Met Office's handy pollen forecast tool can show you what the pollen forecast looks like where you are, and it shows that everyone outside of Scotland is in for a shock to the system.

It's going to be antihistamines and tissues at the ready, I'm afraid, as the battle of beautiful weather versus itchy eyes is well and truly underway.

While a pollen bomb may sound rather extreme, we all know there's absolutely nothing worse than when hay fever just won't budge.

You're left sat there looking longingly at your mate who can frolic in fields or go a day without so much of a sneeze.

A pollen bomb is upon us. (Getty Stock Image)
A pollen bomb is upon us. (Getty Stock Image)

Well, as always seems to be the case, the ever so helpful community of Reddit users who are sharing what's helping them beat the pesky allergies.

It turns out there's an entire forum dedicated to it, aptly named r/Hayfever.

One user started by offering the advice: "A couple of years ago, I got really fed up and decided I needed to try eat very clean and intermittent fast from early in the evening 5.30pm/ish until morning. This helped hugely and I didn't suffer for the rest of the season!"

They then explained they've tried some more methods that are working, too.

Many people opt for over the counter methods. (Getty Stock Image)
Many people opt for over the counter methods. (Getty Stock Image)

They added: "Nasal breathing and Buteyko. When my nose gets blocked and my eyes are particularly itchy, and I get frustrated - I have been doing Buteyko breathing. It's a breathing protocol for better breathing, nasal breathing, asthma, anxiety and it turns out, allergies too.

"I have the Buteyko app and I do a few rounds of the breathing practice while sitting or laying down in a calm state and it REALLY helps!"

They added: "I'm also taping my mouth at night - I buy a small roll of micropore tape from the pharmacy and put a small piece over the front of my lips to seal them shut while I sleep - I've been doing this for years and notice far better, deeper sleep, clearer/less puffy skin and eyes when waking and feeling much more rested."

It might be time to buy some more antihistamines. (Getty Stock Image)
It might be time to buy some more antihistamines. (Getty Stock Image)

Others quickly chimed in with their own methods.

One person wrote: "Vitamin A! A high dose of about 5000iu per day can help. Apparently vitamin A and D are super beneficial."

Another added: "I tried Respahealth and it worked wonders for me. See I preferred a natural alternative rather than these antihistamines and I’m glad to say I was right."

While a third said: "Kenalog injection once a year before it starts the ONLY thing that worked for me."

Stay safe out there, folks!

Featured Image Credit: urbazon/Getty Images/Jacky Parker Photography/Getty Images

Topics: Weather, Health, Life Hacks