There's nothing better than feeling well-rested and ready for the day after a good night's sleep.
However, unfortunately, for some of us, it can be a whole lot harder than just shutting your eyes and planting your head on a pillow.
But, luckily for any light sleepers out there, there's a handy little trick known as the 'military sleep method' which can make you fall asleep anywhere in just two minutes. Have a look:
So, we've talked about the '4-7-8 method', which is allegedly the best way to get back to sleep in the middle of the night, as well as the 'three 15s' hack that is sure to get you a better night's kip and the mysterious but impressive '10-3-2-1-0 rule' but what on earth is the military sleep method?
Well, for one, the sleep hack has been doing its rounds all across social media with the hashtag 'military sleeping method' racking up an impressive 47 million views on TikTok.
There are a handful of easy steps to follow, with the first being to close your eyes and focus on your breathing being sure to take slow and deep breaths.
The second steps is to relax your entire face - that means un-scrunching your brows and unclenching your jaw.

Starting from your forehead and then start moving downward over your cheeks, mouth, and jaw being sure to focus on one part at a time.
While doing so, make sure you're breathing deeply and letting go of any muscle tension you’re holding there.
Top tip: don't forget to also relax your tongue.
Third on the rundown is working this muscle relaxtion down to your neck, shoulders, and arms by letting go of any tension you may be holding up there.
Be sure to focus your attention on one arm down from your bicep to your forearm, wrist, hand and, lastly, fingers and repeat on the other arm.

Next, you need to basically just keep going down your body.
Exhale and relax your chest, abdomen, and pelvis and do what you did with your arms to your legs.
Focus on one limb at a time gradually relaxing your upper thigh, knee, calf, ankle, foot, and toes.
And now for the easy part.
The final step is now easing your mind and thinking about something that brings you joy, peace and helps you clear your mind.
While other thoughts may float around your noggin and try to distract you, be sure to just keep up your breathing and bring yourself back to the present moment.
Practicing this viral technique is supposed to help you master it leaving many dozers impressively able to fall asleep in under just two minutes.
Reckon you'll give it a go?