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Martin Lewis gave warning over three hours to avoid when using your washing machine

Martin Lewis gave warning over three hours to avoid when using your washing machine

He's urged people to avoid using certain appliances during peak times

From Euros 2024 celebrations, jetting off on your holidays and just about every other cost that seems to come with summer - I'm sure many of us are eager to save our dosh when are where we can.

So, to help cut your costs at home, Money Saving Expert, Martin Lewis, once issued a warning over the three hours to avoid when using your washing machine following an increased risk of power cuts across the UK.

Martin Lewis once issued a warning  over three hours to avoid when using your washing machine. (ITV)
Martin Lewis once issued a warning over three hours to avoid when using your washing machine. (ITV)

According to the financial guru, peak periods for the National Grid leads to electricity demands surging across the country and an increased risk of power cuts .

Speaking to ITV’s This Morning, the protector-of-purses advised avoiding this by looking at your the power you use overall and using energy-zapping appliances at other times of day.

He suggests mixing up your routine to ensure you aren't just clicking the 'ON' button when you sit down to watch Corrie like everyone else.

He explained the situation during his regular segment on the show: "There are emergency scenarios where power cuts in different regions are possible that have been put forward by National Grid."

Lewis revealed that the peak times for using energy in the UK are between 4pm and 7pm and that it would be a good idea if people could lower their usage during this time period.

The Money Saving Expert urged people to lower their usage during peak times. Yana Iskayeva / Getty Images)
The Money Saving Expert urged people to lower their usage during peak times. Yana Iskayeva / Getty Images)

He added: "If we can avoid using lots of energy between 4pm and 7pm and it makes no difference to our lives, then we should all be somewhat conscious of that, whether or not it’s cheaper, because it will collectively help us all."

Lewis also previously issued a warning about one particular household item which could be unknowingly costing you a fortune.

This power-guzzling demon Lewis speaks of is none other than the humble tumble dryer, with him saying it's a device 'you really don't want to use because it's really expensive'.

He explained that it costs about a quid to tumble dry a load of washing and if you just tumble dry every load of washing as a matter of routine, that soon adds up to a very big pile of money over a year.

On top of that, the tumble dryer really is one of those appliances you can do without in many cases as there are plenty of other ways to dry your clothes.

The tumble dryer might get the job done quickest of the lot but there's a plethora of other ways to tackle the problem.

The simplest and cheapest way is to simply hang them up and let time dry your clothes for you but there are some other ways to do it.

Featured Image Credit: ITV/Getty stock image

Topics: Advice, Cleaning, Home, Life, Martin Lewis, Money, Cost of Living