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People left baffled after seeing how woman peels potatoes

People left baffled after seeing how woman peels potatoes

It'll make prepping roasties for your Sunday dinner a lot easier

When it comes to peeling a potato, most people have no real technique, simply grabbing a potato peeler and getting stuck in.

But what if there was a quicker and easier way to get the job done?

A TikToker known for sharing kitchen and cooking tips has blown people's minds with her potato peeling hack.

In a clip shared to the social media platform, Jenni used a sweet potato to show off her speedy peeling technique.

She started off by running the peeler down the potato. Pretty standard, right?

But then came the mic-drop moment.

"Did you know the reason why potato peelers swivel back and forth is so that you can not only go down, but forward when you're peeling, so that you can peel the entire thing super fast without actually having to lift up the peeler off the vegetable," she said.

Jenni then demonstrated how the swivel of the peeler allowed her to quickly de-skin the potato by moving the kitchen tool back and forth without ever having to stop, saving precious seconds in potato prep.

It's definitely a useful tip, and while a lot of people were grateful for her advice, others were been left baffled by the fact that people didn't already know this.

A TikToker's tip for peeling potatos has left people's minds blow (TikTok/@jenniabs3)
A TikToker's tip for peeling potatos has left people's minds blow (TikTok/@jenniabs3)

"At this point am I even cooking right," one TikTok user questioned, before adding: "Lol. Thanks for another great tip!"

Another wrote: "This is why we need cooking classes back in high school! How am I just finding this out at 26."

And a third admitted to having wasted a lot of time being angry because they thought their potato peeler was 'just always loose', with another adding: "I just thought every peeler I got was a little broken."

Some viewers did offer another explanation for the swivel on the potato peeler, suggesting instead it was intended to accommodate both left and right-handed users.

Either way, Jenni's video proves that the swivel still can be used to peel both ways and makes prepping roasties for your Sunday dinner a lot easier.

By using its swivel, you can peel the vegetable with needing to lift the peeler away (TikTok/jenniabs3)
By using its swivel, you can peel the vegetable with needing to lift the peeler away (TikTok/jenniabs3)

In other hacks for prepping food, a mum has been praised for 'genius' cheese-slicing method.

Bella, known as @paperbelle on TikTok, shared that she uses a potato peeler to slice her cheese.

Starting off her video, Bella asked viewers: "You mean to tell me you've never used a peeler to peel your cheese?"

She then went ahead and grabbed a block of cheddar and scraped across it to create a perfect slice of cheese.

We can't believe we didn't think of this any sooner.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@jenniabs3

Topics: Life, TikTok, Hacks, Food and Drink