A driving expert has warned people to 'hold off' wearing UGGs whilst driving to avoid a hefty fine.
The footwear brand has become increasingly popular again over the last year, but experts are now warning people of the dangers caused by driving in the shoe.
They noted that the Highway Code states drivers should have: "Footwear and clothing which does not prevent you from using the controls in the correct manner."
The experts, from the Nationwide Vehicle Contracts, said that shoes that are not fitted or fastened to your feet can be a great danger when in control of the car.
This is because it is more likely for a foot to slip out of that kind of shoe, and in our opinion, safety is probably more of a priority than aesthetics.

Now, whilst it's not illegal to wear this kind of shoe behind the wheel, police can still impose the fine if they deem the footwear to be inappropriate.
Not only that, drivers can be issued with up to nine points on their license, edging nervously close to the 12 points where your license is taken away.
Despite this, a fine would usually only be imposed if an accident had occurred, and the person happened to be wearing UGGs - less so if they were just pulled over wearing them.
Director of Nationwide Vehicle Contracts Keith Hawes, said: "Anyone who is driving has the responsibility to operate their car and pedals correctly.
"So even with the cold weather, it may seem easy to wear warm, slip-on shoes, however this can have a large impact on your ability to drive and safely operate your car.
“Drivers could consider having an extra pair of shoes in their car, but they should make sure they are not too wide or too thick to avoid pressing two pedals at once."

He added: “Ultimately, an extra pair of shoes will mean drivers can avoid fines and prioritise safety on the roads by ensuring they have the correct footwear for their vehicle.”
Their research showed that Google searches for ‘UGGs’ have seen an increase of 683% in the past year alone.
It's looking like they are highly sought-after in 2024, and they don't come at a small cost either.
For a pair of UGGs, it's going to set you back somewhere in the region of £155.
So, despite spending a pretty decent amount on them, think about wearing something else next time you get behind the wheel.