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Hot water bottle hack that people swear by for sleeping in a heatwave

Hot water bottle hack that people swear by for sleeping in a heatwave

We're 100% trying this tonight

At long last, we're finally set to get some actual warm weather this June.

After what has felt like an eternity of waiting, it's been confirmed that the UK's hottest day of the year is expected to finally land next week and we're all proper buzzing.

And while some extra heat is great for your vitamin D levels and catching a tan, trying to get some shut-eye in 30 degree heat is painful AF.

Met Office spokesman Grahame Madge recently told Tyla: "Over the coming week an area of high pressure will continue to build across most of the UK."

The UK is finally set for it's hottest day of the year. (Getty Stock Image)
The UK is finally set for it's hottest day of the year. (Getty Stock Image)

He continued: "This is already bringing fine conditions, and by the end of the weekend daytime maximum temperatures will see a further elevation in temperature values with an isolated value of 30C not completely ruled out, although temperatures of 28C or 29C are more likely.

"The conditions are forecast to last until at least the middle of next week."

Luckily, however, we have discovered another hack that *might* help us get a precious more few hours in bed when the temperatures soar.

X user James Uscroft shared the 'cold water bottle hack' on the social media site and it seems pretty smart.

Temperatures are set to soar next week, which means getting some sleep might be tricky. (Oleg Breslavtsev / Getty Images)
Temperatures are set to soar next week, which means getting some sleep might be tricky. (Oleg Breslavtsev / Getty Images)

Flipping the normal usage for a hot water bottle on its head (to keep us warm on those cold winter nights), the trick basically sees your standard hottie filled with cold water instead and popped in the fridge or freezer for a few hours.

Come bed time, you have a nice cold bottle to cuddle up to and help cool you down.

Sounds genius is you ask us!

Tyla got in touch with James Wilson - aka The Sleep Geek - to find out if he'd recommend the trick. Interestingly, James thinks you should avoid making your water bottle too cold so you're able to slip into a comfortable sleep.

"Hot water bottles can be your friend in terms of getting better sleep during this hot weather, but the water should be lukewarm rather than cold," he explains.

There's a hot water bottle hack to help keep you cool at night. (john shepherd / Getty Images)
There's a hot water bottle hack to help keep you cool at night. (john shepherd / Getty Images)

"If something is really cold it will shock us and put our body into an awake mode (think about how you would feel if you jumped into a cold bath)."

James advises: "Instead, in the hour before bed fill the hot water bottle with lukewarm water, place your bare feet upon it, and your body will have a little rise in core temperature and then it will cool down (very much like having a warm bath or shower) and this will help you fall asleep and stay asleep."

Lukewarm, cold or freezing, we guess the temperature of your hottie depends on personal preference. Our advice? Do whatever is comfortable for you.

Sweet dreams!

Featured Image Credit: Anastasiia Krivenok/Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Topics: Hacks, Life, Life Hacks, Sleep, Weather, UK News