If you were anything like me as a child, swimming lessons in the local leisure centre were just part of the weekly routine.
You'd be rushed after school to your nearest baths, thrown into frosty water with a bunch of other kids you didn't know, and forced to do lap after lap of the colossal pool while your mum sat comfortably in the stands, reading the latest Jojo Moyes book and munching on a bag of quavers.
And the worst part, you'd have a swimming cap squeezed around your head so tightly, you'd feel your brain would come out of your belly button, seemingly all so your mum would avoid the effort of having to wash your hair when you get home.
This week, however, a hoard of swimmers - myself included - have been left with their minds blown after discovering that those horrific swimming caps aren't actually to keep your hair dry.

It's true, they have another function altogether, which is why they were actually produced in the first place.
It turns out that, if you're able to wear the swim cap correctly, the shape will assist in reducing water resistance and increase the hydrodynamics, which is measured by the amount of drag you experience while swimming.
Plus, they're often made from the same material as swimsuits, meaning they're best for types of length where you do not submerge your head.
So, basically, it can help you swim faster, meaning it's pretty futile for those who just swim for fun, or to keep fit.
Yep, unless you're swimming competitively, you really don't need to wear one.
Apparently, the shocking revelation has left some swimmers absolutely blindsided, with many seemingly having been under the impression that they were made to protect your hair.
"Well that's the purpose for me idc what y'all talking about," one surprised social media user penned this week.

Another went on: "Well I feel dumb. I bought one for swimming at the gym to get in shape.
"I have joint problems and swimming is easier on my body to keep active. But the chemicals were hard on my hair. So it's pointless to wear them recreationally then?"
A third claimed: "Makes sense as to why my hair ALWAYS gets wet."
"Awh dang, frfr," another added, whilst a fifth penned: "I just learned this and I was crushed. I have dyed hair and I'm so scared."
The more you know, eh?
Topics: Sport, Life, Life Hacks, Real Life, True Life