Drivers are being urged to buy fuel as soon as possible as prices are set to to rise once again.
It seems like we've been stuck in a never ending loop of extortionate petrol prices, but the truth is they've actually been lower than usual for the past ten weeks - though that's about to come to a halting stop.
Drivers were hopeful of a return to the prices we were used to pre-pandemic, but that isn't set to be the case.
Car insurance providers The AA have stated that the average price of a litre of petrol fell from 150.1p on April 24 this year (2024) to 144.5p at the end of last week, but those times weren't to last as they've stabilised since then.

They also advised that the average price of a litre of diesel plummeted from 158.3p on April 24 to 149.6p but as of Thursday last week, the decline stopped.
It was previously hoped for by motoring groups that petrol prices would drop below the pre-pandemic record of just 142.5p per litre.
This was recorded as the case on April 12 2012 for the second time since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022.
The AA have further declared that this will not occur in the short term.
This is due to the rebound in the price of a barrel of oil from 80 USD in early June to more than 85 USD over the past two weeks.
Luke Bosdet, spokesman for AA fuel price, said: “The question is whether, after a significant fall in the UK’s average petrol price in June, the price will repeat last year’s sharp rise going further into the summer.

“It would be a blow for the impending summer getaway if the cost of road travel took off again. For now, filling up sooner rather than later will take advantage of current lower prices.”
For those who worry about the ever-fluctuating prices of fuel - you're not alone.
Luckily, there are tools out there at your disposal to help you make the best choice.
Confused.com have a website which allows you to find the best price for your petrol in your area.
Simply visit https://www.confused.com/petrol-prices and fire away a search for petrol, diesel or super unleaded. After inputting your postcode, you will be advised on the five cheapest options in your area.
Even if you're only saving a few pennies, it all adds up - so it's well worth checking!