Topics: The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, Life, Reddit
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Topics: The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, Life, Reddit
Everyone is now interested in what Mormon folk get up to after the release of Hulu’s new reality TV show The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, but there’s a query about ‘magic underwear’ that’s got everyone talking.
Okay, so before the Mormon reality show, there wasn’t much insight into the religion.
We probably only had TikTok to rely on, and that gave us insights into thinks like the strange ‘soaking’ habit unmarried people do when avoiding pre-marital intercourse.
But apart from that, it’s been pretty hush-hush about what they get up to.
However, now there’s been a slip and people are coming to find out that Mormon’s wear secret underwear which they have to wear day and night as part of their belief system.
But what are they?
The underwear Mormon’s wear is actually referred to as a ‘temple garment’ or even a ‘garment of the holy priesthood’.
According to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints website, it is worn by adult members of the church after their temple endowment.
This endowment is a ritual that is performed after the member gets married or returns from a missionary trip.
After the ceremony, the adult member is provided with their underwear, which they must wear at all times, unless playing sports.
But this t-shirt and shorts mix is special.
Not only is it adorned with Mormon symbolism, but they are made to be worn underneath your bras, regular clothing, pyjamas and so on.
The underwear was created to serve ‘three important purposes’.
The LDS Church website explained: “It is a reminder of the sacred covenants made with the Lord in His holy house, a protective covering for the body, and a symbol of the modesty of dress and living that should characterize the lives of all the humble followers of Christ.”
It’s white colour also symbolises the ‘purity’ of the wearer.
The symbols consist of a V shape and an L shape which respectively mean that wearers will be reminded of ‘an undeviating course leading to eternal life’ and that ‘every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.’
So, the garments aren’t actually ‘magical’, but they are considered to be sacred to the church.
On Reddit, when a poster asked about the ‘magic’, former Mormon’s hopped on to clear the air about its misconception.
There’s really no magic involved.
One person explained: “The garment is only strictly required when entering a temple, but wearing it whenever possible is encouraged. Like religious garments in other faiths, different people take different attitudes toward them.
“They aren’t considered magical by most Mormons, though.”
However, another expanded to say that although nobody in the church considers them to be ‘magical’, they do think they are ‘blessed’.
They said: “They wouldn't use the words ‘magical’ but they absolutely believe they are ‘blessed.’ I grew up on stories of people getting burns except for where their underwear protected them...”
Someone else compared them to Vikings wearing wards to ward off evil, except Mormon’s use the garments to protect the wearer.
Calling the underwear ‘magic’ is actually considered to be offensive, with the church stating: “There’s nothing magical or mystical about them.”
They continued: “Church members ask for the same degree of respect and sensitivity that would be afforded to any other faith by people of goodwill.”
But they regularly give women UTI’s so, I wonder how our Mormon wives are finding the gear?