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Top 4 zodiac signs that will be in for a change thanks to this week’s lunar event

Top 4 zodiac signs that will be in for a change thanks to this week’s lunar event

July's New Moon will take place at the end of the week (5 July)

We're gearing up for some pretty seismic shifts later this week thanks to the upcoming lunar event set to really shake things up.

A time all about embarking on new beginnings and personal growth, it seems like some of us may be feeling the affects of the cosmic phenomenon kicking off this Friday (5 July) more so than others.

So, to help shed some more light on everything we've got to look forward to this week, celebrity astrologer, Inbaal Honigman, has revealed the top four zodiac signs that will be in for a change thanks to this week's major lunar event.

We'll be seeing a New Moon later this week (Ruhey / Getty Images)
We'll be seeing a New Moon later this week (Ruhey / Getty Images)

Inbaal tells us that the astrological event may 'spark emotional shifts and changes'.

Opening up on the significance of Friday's New Moon, she explains: "Spiritually, the New Moon is a time of new beginnings. During the New Moon, it is auspicious to start new projects, apply for a new job and start a house search during the New Moon.

"As the moon grows over the coming two weeks, so will any projects grow. Astrologically, at the time of the New Moon, the sun and the moon are in the same sign."

Speaking on behalf of Tarotoo, Inbaal also told Tyla exactly which star signs are most affected by July’s New Moon.

Taurus will feel they have an 'extra spring' in their step. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
Taurus will feel they have an 'extra spring' in their step. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)


Inbaal explains that, at the time of the New Moon, fiery planet Mars is in your sign, Taurus, which puts an 'extra spring' in your step.

You may find yourself feeling more vibrant, more alive, and more inclined to go outdoors and be active.

"This is a fantastic time for you to reassess your fitness goals and embark on a new strengthening regime, which will also help you burn off any extra tension," she suggests.

Gemini will be feeling extra lucky during this New Moon. (Sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
Gemini will be feeling extra lucky during this New Moon. (Sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)


“At the time of the July New Moon, the planet Jupiter is in your sign, which brings extra luck into your life," the astrologist shares.

Good news if you've got any competitions coming up as, during this time, you will find yourself in alignment with winning and success.

Inbaal says this makes it a good time for you to play the lottery, apply for grants or simply tell people about your amazing side hustle.


Cancer's love life will be 'taking centre stage' for them. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
Cancer's love life will be 'taking centre stage' for them. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)


The astrologist tells us that the main sign to be impacted by the Cancer new moon is, of course, Cancer.

She explains: "There is a lot going on in the sign of the Crab on the day of the New Moon - both the sun and the moon are in that sign, meaning that both their inner thoughts and their external actions will be aligned."

And that's not all, Cancer, as Venus AKA the planet of love is also in Cancer the same day too, so love will be 'taking centre stage' for you.

Leo should start up some 'new projects'. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)
Leo should start up some 'new projects'. (sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images)


And last, but by no means least, is Leo.

Inbaal says that, during the July New Moon, the planet Mercury happens to be in your sign, which means that communication will be central for your existence.

"As this is a time of new beginnings, let Mercury start some new projects for you - contact someone whose connections can benefit you and say hello," she recommends.

So, why not try reaching out to an old friend and check in on them.

"Fresh starts around communication are the order of the day," Inbaal adds.

Featured Image Credit: sarayut Thaneerat/Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Images

Topics: Astrology, Life, Sex and Relationships, Space, News