With the heatwave in full swing - and temperatures set to soar over the weekend and into next week - many of us are using our paddling pools to cool down.
But it's important to be extra vigilant about the water in our pools, after warnings that stagnant paddling pools can be a paradise of harmful bugs and bacteria.

In fact, it's crucial that paddling pool water is emptied every day to ensure it remains free from any nasties, such as bugs, algae and parasites, which tend to thrive in warm environments.
Homehow's Joyce French told The Sun: “As the warm weather settles in, more people are digging out their paddling pools to entertain the children in the family.
“If you are using a paddling pool regularly, it is important that you clean it and empty it on a daily basis. This is important to prevent bacteria from lurking in your paddling pool.”

It's also important to remember to stay super hydrated while out bathing in your pool - and to remember that being under water doesn't protect you from the sun's rays, despite feeling cool. It's recommended that sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours.
In other heatwave news, we recently explained why people should be aware of the symbol on the back of sun cream bottles.
The tiny symbol give users information as to when products like sun cream will be out of date and therefore no longer effective in protecting them against the sun.
In the shape of an open jar, the handy symbol is placed on all beauty products and shows a number inside it next to an ‘M’.
The number that’s inside the jar reflects how long to continue using the product from the moment someone opens it.
For example, ‘12M’ means it should be used within 12 months of being opened, whilst ‘18M’ means it should be used within 18 months.

Elsewhere, we told you how one mum has come up with an interesting hack to heat up her swimming pool, and the internet is divided.
The TikTok user, Dee Dee, shared the trick on the social media platform, garnering quite a lot of attention from the online community.
Her idea went viral, with many loving the idea and admitting that they want to try it themselves. You can read more - and watch the video clip - here.