A nine-month-pregnant mother-of-one was plunged into her worst nightmare earlier this year after her four-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease.
The TikTok star and lifestyle influencer now claims the family were left totally blindsided by the stomach-wrenching news, being that the only symptom that the youngster had presented was an abnormality in her eye.

Followers of fashion-forward social media star Amy Roiland were confused earlier this year when her regular clothing-based TikTok content suddenly changed in January.
Instead, the mum-of-two took to the video-sharing app to break the heartbreaking, personal news about her daughter Ryder's wellbeing.
Whilst pregnant with her second child, the star - who goes by the handle @afashionnerd - tragically explained: "On Friday (Dec. 15th) we noticed Ryder's right eye was moving strangely, and we weren't sure what was going on."
Since then, fans of the influencer - who shares Ryder with husband Ben Bayouth - have been riddled with concern over the youngster's heath.
And this week, in an exclusive chat with People Magazine, Amy shared an update, revealing that her eldest daughter had been diagnosed with a brain tumour following an emergency MRI scan.
On top of the cancer blow, the Roiland family were initially informed by doctors that Ryder's disease was already spreading.
However, after taking her daughter for a second opinion, she was given more positive news.
"Five minutes after looking at the imaging, [the doctor] was like, 'This is glioma,' " Amy's husband Ben told the news outlet.
"Our oncologist has said that technically, this is some type of cancer but it's low-grade and unlikely to spread."
Sadly, in either case, the parents were told that their little girl needed to be operated upon in order for medics to remove the tumour.
Since her diagnosis, the tot has under gone two surgeries - including a hefty biopsy which was unfortunately ruled inconclusive.
The other was a four-hour open-brain surgery, which thankfully determined that the tumour was a slow-growing, low-grade glioma in her optic pathway, which is why the vision in her eye was affected.

In order to shrink the cancer, Ryder was forced to under various chemotherapy treatments, which she receives every Wednesday.
Her dad added that, despite the circumstances, the four-year-old has been able to remain in good spirits.
"We're finding a rhythm," he explained. "Little kids find things upsetting — like peeling tape off your skin, she hates that. It's a battle that involves tears.
"The chemo days are long, we get there at 8 in the morning, and we don't get home until 3."
Meanwhile, mum Amy aims to keep her daughter's home life as normal as possible.
Discussing her social media content, she said: "My page is about fashion and fun and Ryder, through her chemo, has had energy and she wants to style me and do fun things still. I don't want people to think she's sickly and on a bed somewhere."

"Initially, when something like this happens, you think, 'Let me sit on the couch and cry all day'," Amy continued. "But Ryder still wants to take walks, she wants to get dressed in the morning."
The duo - who welcomed their second child last month, a daughter they aptly named April - hope that by telling their story, they're supporting other parents that may be going through the same.
Amy told the news outlet: "We were told so many things — in the beginning, that it was a horrible cancer ... I wanted to make sure I was fully educated and had a plan before I shared the news publicly.
"But since then, I've had someone DM me saying, 'Wow, my son's eye has been moving weird, maybe I should get him checked.' "
She went on: "It's very emotional to share my story. When I had the baby, I wanted to be able to move on. Now, everyone will know the story, and we can update with news as we get it, if we feel we need to."