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Mum shares why you should be using ‘guided access’ on your iPhone

Mum shares why you should be using ‘guided access’ on your iPhone

She's even given a step-by-step tutorial

Ever tried to just get some peace and quiet when your kid decides to bombard you with relentless requests to sort something out for them on your phone?

Well, those days are thankfully finally over after one mum explained exactly why you should be using ‘guided access’ on your iPhone.

The life-saver took to TikTok to share with her 500 followers the hack they'll definitely want to make a note of. Take a look:

She began the TikTok with the narration: "Mom hack. Go to setting accessibility and click on 'Guided Access' and turn it on.

"Go to the video you want your child to watch and put it on full screen."

After that, the mum explains you need to 'triple click your power button' and then click 'Options' and turn 'Touch' off.

"Hit 'Start' and enter your password," the woman adds as she continues the step-by-step demonstration.

Miraculously, the iPhone feature effectively locks the screen so the little tot can't accidentally exit the video they're watching and need some assistance getting their favourite thing back on the screen again.

"Your child will no longer bother you to go back to the YouTube video screen," the mum confirms.

What a relief!

And to turn it off?

The woman gave an easy-to-follow tutorial on the hack.

Simply 'triple click again' and enter your phone's password to turn 'Touch' back on and hit 'Enter' on the top corner.

The woman concludes: "Great job! I needed to know this a year ago..."

And, it's clear from the 153.4k views and dozens upon dozens of comments that this mum was not alone.

One TikTok user praised: "Thank you for this! My daughter always ends up calling people."

"This just changed my life forever," exclaimed a second. "You a real one!"

A third echoed: "Thank you I didn’t know how to stop my child from still clicking after it’s on!"

"I do this all the time lol it saves him from going out and throwing a fit," revealed a final TikTok user.

Guess you really do learn something new every day.

And that's not the only mum-friendly iPhone hack out there.

Another mum shared the genius tip on how to get the perfect photo of your children 'every time'.

People rushed in to share their praise over the mum's iPhone hack.

The woman, known online as 'The Budgeting Mum', took to TikTok to share with her 106.k followers exactly what to do the next time they're scanning over their pics.

She begins the short clip by telling fellow parents: "This is the iPhone hack that every mum needs to know about."

The budgeting aficionado continues: "If you're constantly missing your children smiling in a photo, if you have Live Photos turned on you can actually go in and edit which part of the frame you save."

Live Photos, in case you weren't in the know, record what happens 1.5 seconds before and after you take a picture on your iPhone.

So, because of this nifty little feature, you can pick a different key photo by opening 'Live Photo' and tapping 'Edit'.

Then simply tap the 'Live Photos' button and move the slider to change the frame before releasing your finger and then tapping 'Make Key Photo'.

Finally, press 'Done' and voila!

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@theyknowjess0

Topics: TikTok, Technology, Hacks, Parenting