While most parents were counting down the days their kids were going to back to school, one mum-of-11 was slightly less enthusiastic.
Joanne O'Rourke documents her life as a busy mum to such a large brood on TikTok and, ahead of her offspring heading back to school last week, she was left with boxes and boxes of uniforms to organise and had to splash out £300 on school shoes alone.
In a video shared last week, Joanne - who is mum to eight boys and three girls - showed her 25,000 followers the stacks of uniforms she had to organise.
Her kids ages range from the ages of three to 20 and, with two of her older children having jobs, already swamped Joanne had two less sets of school uniforms to worry about.
But Joanne still had a cupboard full of uniforms to tackle and showed off an undeniably impressive before and after of what it looked like once she'd got it organised.
Speaking to her followers in TikTok about her kids going back, Joanne said: "Am I prepared? Am I f*ck."
But the masses of things she had for her kids said otherwise.

Joanne proceeded to show her followers boxes upon boxes of school things - from stationary to new uniforms, she appeared to have it all in hand.
It took poor Joanne a whole two days to organise her cupboard dedicated to her kids' uniforms after removing the old pieces and replacing them with the new ones, as well as getting everything ironed.
She was praised for her organisational skills, with one person hailing having a school uniform cupboard as a 'great idea'.
They said: "Fair play to you that’s a great idea having a cupboard."
Another wrote: "Well done! I only have 1 kid started secondary school and that stressed the hell out of me!"

In a separate video before putting everything in the uniform-dedicated cupboard, Joanne showed the result of her 'uniform haul' with boxes of new shoes stacked up, socks all in a pile and lunch boxes lined up and ready to go.
While she didn't disclose the amount she spent, one of the tags on a shoe box said £34.99, meanwhile a pair of Kickers will set you back around £60.
With these prices in mind, it looks like Joanne spent around £300 in total on new shoes for her kids.
Elsewhere, Joanne bought four £14 pinafores for one of her daughters, and several pairs of socks priced at two for £5.
I don't know about you, but I'm tired just watching Joanne's videos!