People are urging a woman to ditch her husband-to-be after he ruined their big day by weeing on her wedding dress as a way to 'mark his territory'.
The bride explained that she and her partner had been in their hotel room after the celebrations, preparing the spend their first night together as a married couple when he decided to soil the dress.
To make matters worse, the groom said that he felt what he did was 'no big deal', and what?!
Detailing the devastating experience on Reddit, the newlywed confessed that she was struggling to get over her new husband's weird act. We can't say we blame her!

Lost over what to do next, she wrote: "I still have no idea WTF is going on in his head to think that this was 'nothing' or 'no big deal'.
"He literally peed on my wedding dress the night of our wedding, INSIDE the hotel room."
The woman went on to say that, after losing it at her husband, he casually told her that he was just 'marking his territory' and went on about how he's been "wanting to do this when he gets married and that he didn't tell me because he was positively 100 percent sure [she'd] get mad at him but he said it's worth it since he got to do it."
As she tried to process her shock, he told her that she 'shouldn't worry' because 'pee washes off easily'.
According to the horrified bride, the groom then 'acted like nothing happened' and, to her surprise, 'was actually expecting sex' despite it all.
She concluded: "I just can't get rid of the awful feeling and sight, I couldn't even sleep in the bed with him after that."

After reading her story, Reddit users urged the bride to reconsider her marriage and leave her husband ASAP.
One sarcastically wrote: "Yeah. Sounds completely healthy, a marriage where your husband thinks you are his territory.. Run like he is on fire."
Another commented: "The dude started the end of the marriage at the beginning."
When one user suggested: "Pee on everything he holds dear", a second tagged on: "Like the wedding contract. Go get an annulment."
Eager for the bride to cut things off as soon as possible, a third Redditor advised: "Find that marriage license and burn it before it gets filed. Jesus Christ. That is f***ed up."
"He said it himself, you are territory" pointed out a fourth, while a fifth added: "Yep. Get out of this now, if you stay it will get worse."
And a sixth begged: "Please leave him. These type of people often become very abusive after you marry them because they believe that you are stuck with them. You aren't. He destroyed your property and actively knew he was violating your consent when he did this.
"Not only that but he has shown you that he believes you are his "territory", meaning he thinks that a wedding ring makes him your owner. You need to leave him now. It will be easiest so long as you don't have to go through the divorce process."
Would this be enough to send you running for the hills?