A mum has defended her choice to raise her baby a vegan by claiming it will protect the little one’s health for years to come.
Chloe-Elizabeth Elliott, from Pontefract, West Yorkshire, has taken on the role of a ‘modern mum’ and she is raising her two-year-old daughter ,Elizabeth-Hope, vegan to be in line with her own diet.

The mum was 17-years-old when she became pregnant ,and after suffering for years with chronic endometriosis, she was worried she may never have children. She follows a vegan diet because of her own health concerns.
"I'm vegan for my health and there's a chance Elizabeth-Hope could also get endometriosis and polycystic ovaries as well and I think there is a huge connection to fast food and hormones in meat and dairy to having these illnesses,” Chloe-Elizabeth said.
"If I limit the amount of hormone foods she eats it will limit the chance of her having them and it's better for you and it's all amazing foods that are good for you with no guilt."
Chloe-Elizabeth doesn’t want to force her daughter to be a vegan when she gets older, and said it will be Elizabeth-Hope’s decision to make.
"Every parent does things in their own way, some force to eat meat, I force her to be vegan, these are choices I make for her now until she can make them herself and I would support her with whatever she wants to do,” she said.

"I would support her if she wanted to eat meat as it's not my body."
Elizabeth-Hope's food diary includes:
Breakfast: oats, yogurt and fruit, chia seeds, breast milk, fruit snacks throughout day and hummus and vegetables.
Dinner: Homemade pasta sauce, avocado, lentils.
Chloe-Elizabeth said: "She eats everything! She loves pasta and any kind of fruit and vegetables. For her first birthday we did a cake smash but she wouldn’t eat the cake she just wanted the fruit off the top.”
The mum also says she is ‘not bothered about other people’s opinions’ regarding the comments she gets online and admits that her own mum was concerned about Elizabeth-Hope’s diet initially.

"My mum was unsure about Elizabeth-Hope being vegan, but once she realised and got a little more educated on it, she found out being vegan is good for you as long as there is a balanced diet,” she shared.
As well as a vegan diet, Chloe-Elizabeth has also banned her baby from watching TV and playing on an iPad.
She said: "If you saw our living room, you would think we're insane. She has climbing frames, a Wendy house swing and so many toys. We love to read every night and we spend time together. It's what kids would have done 50 years ago to keep them entertained and not the TV.”
Topics: Food and Drink, Parenting, Life, Real Life