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Why your hair might be getting greasy so quickly and it's not always your shampoo

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Why your hair might be getting greasy so quickly and it's not always your shampoo

Your hair could be getting greasy for a number of reasons, but there is a quick fix

If you feel like every time you run your hand through your hair, it feels greasy, there might be a few causes.

While it could just be your period, it could also be other reasons why your hair has a build-up of oil.

Essentially, greasy hair is caused by too much oil production, which is made by the sebaceous glands on your scalp.

Once the oil is made, your hair will absorb it and thus it’ll look like you’ve not washed it for a year.

But there is more to it, let’s get into it.

Your nutrient Intake

Diet can affect everything, from your nails to your skin and your hair.

If you are eating foods high in carbohydrates and saturated fats and excessive dairy consumption, your hair is going to pay for it.

Your bedding

Bacteria can also cause greasy hair, which is why you’ll need to switch out your covers and avoid cotton covers which absorb your hair oils and lead to too much oil production - and really greasy hair.

Stress could be to blame

It feels like it’s impossible to avoid it, but stress could increase your cortisol production, which can also increase your oil.

It could even be down to hormones

Whether it’s your period or during pregnancy, your hormones can affect your hair, and it’s not great.

It can even happen during the menopause as your androgen levels can rise, causing the scalp to produce sebum, which then makes your hair grease up.

It could be your hair products

If you use too much conditioner or leave it in for too long, it can cause oil to build up in your hair, as well as taking the volume out of it.

Or it could simply be that you’re using the wrong product which isn’t fit for your hair type and texture.

Some could leave your hair dry and lifeless while others can weigh down your hair with too much moisture, so make sure you research which is best for you.

Another issue could be using dry shampoo for more than a quick solution in between washes.

Yes, it’s great, and it works, but if you’re on day three and all your counting on is dry shampoo, chances are you’re making your hair greasier by overloading it with product.

Is your hair getting greasy? It could be any of these things. (bymuratdeniz/Getty Images)
Is your hair getting greasy? It could be any of these things. (bymuratdeniz/Getty Images)

You might be over-washing your hair

Not everyone needs to wash their hair daily, and although you might think it’ll dry your hair out, it could do the opposite as you’re stripping your hair of its natural oils.

By washing it too much, you’ll send it into overdrive to produce the oil it’s missing.

Touching hair too much

Stop touching your hair! Think about everything you touch in a day and then imagine it’s all over your hair.

Your fingers have natural oils on them too, so you’re just adding to the issue. This goes for brushing too, as you’re only stimulating the oil glands every time you brush.


Make sure you’re washing your hair thoroughly and not missing parts of your head to ensure that all the grease is gone, otherwise it’ll be left to fester.

Featured Image Credit: Maryviolet/ bymuratdeniz/Getty Images

Topics: Beauty, Hair, Life, Health