It's a question all parents dread thinking about - what should you do in a medical emergency in which the life of the mum and the baby are in grave danger.
Watch the video below:
A mum on TikTok addressed this devastating scenario however her answer has divided opinion.
She revealed in a now-viral video that she would choose to save her own life over her baby's life.
Shelbie Martin, from Utah, who posts using the username @shelbielenora, has attracted over two million views since it was uploaded on 11 January.
In the on-screen text she wrote: "If during birth you have to choose to save me or the baby, save me. I have babies at home that need me."
"[And] my husband agrees," Shelbie added in video's caption.
The video has divided the internet as many mums claimed that they would always opt to save their babies.
One mum who agreed with Shelbie wrote: “I would want to save the baby but I have 3 babies at home that need me so it would have to be me.”

Another woman who was in agreement with the video. “You’re the first person I’ve seen do this and didn’t say ‘save the baby’… I agree with you completely.”
Shelbie replied: "Moms that get it… get it.”
Someone else admitted: "Nah even if I don’t have kids at home save me I’ll make another one.”
A mum commented: “If it was my first child of course save the baby but I have a medically ill child that [relies] on me to stay alive so I’d save me too for him.”
One woman asked: “I just don’t know why people would save the bay over the mother. I agree with you.”
However one woman wrote: “I say save the baby… hubby says me.”
Another TikTok user shared: “My kids got a great dad so I would say save the baby.”

An answer read: “I would say save the baby, his life is more important than mine and I do have other children.”
Other women agreed, with one writing: “No, save my baby. My babies are surrounded by so many living family I know they’ll be looked after.
Other women admitted that their answers changed after having their first child. One mum revealed: “First baby I was save the baby but then it’s save me I have children who need me.”
While someone else shared: “With my first I would of said save the bay. For my next it would be save me my son needs me.”
Meanwhile other commenters revealed their own real life experience with this scenario. “This happened to my aunt during delivery and her husband said save the baby and my mom snapped and said save my sister she has a baby at home,” one woman wrote.
And someone else added: “My mom passed when I was born. No kid should grow up not knowing the person that gave them life.”