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People swear by new ‘777 rule’ that’s a ‘game changer’ for relationships

People swear by new ‘777 rule’ that’s a ‘game changer’ for relationships

This one simple rule could transform relationships

Dating trends come around a lot, and some can be helpful and others can be quick fads that don't really do much for you or your partner.

Yet a new dating trend is said to be the secret to a happy relationship, and to us it sounds like a pretty good idea and simple enough to roll out.

The '777 rule' could be a game changer for relationships. (Getty Stock Images)
The '777 rule' could be a game changer for relationships. (Getty Stock Images)

Described as the '777 rule', it involves making a deliberate effort once a week, every seven weeks and every seven months.

The '777 rule' is pretty simple in theory, and that every seven days you go on a date, every seven weeks you go away for the night and every seven months the two of you head off on a romantic holiday.

One person summed up the rule on Twitter as they posted: "I think the 777 rule for relationships is such a great idea. A date every 7 days, a 24 trip every 7 weeks and, a vacation every 7 months."

In response, others thought it sounded like a good idea as one person posted: "I can get behind this."

Another added: "Once a week date is absolutely doable. I like this! Definitely would like to Incorporate more day trips into my relationship."

"i think this is a great idea, not a rule to live by. consistency important to every relationship and it's always fun having something to look forward to. i would def try this," said a third.

Another shared: "I’m definitely going to do this for my next relationship!! It’s definitely a good idea to help keep the relationship going forward."

However, some had concerns over how much it could cost, as one person wrote: "Please make sure you’re making an income other wise, you’ll want to do stuff and not be able to do it."

The rule involves making a deliberate effort every seven days, seven weeks and every seven months. (Getty Stock Images)
The rule involves making a deliberate effort every seven days, seven weeks and every seven months. (Getty Stock Images)

Another echoed their thoughts as they wrote: "Only ppl agreeing with this aren’t paying for it not sustainable in this economy."

Now technically you could make this work on a budget and do the weekly date as a free or even cheap thing to do, whilst saving money for being away for the night or for a holiday or mini break somewhere.

But the big question is if the rule works?

Relationship expert Lucy Beresford told NetMums that it can be a good starting point as she explained: "My concern is that 777 is the absolute bare minimum!"

She added: "And when a couple face competing demands such as newborns, teenagers, looking after ageing parents, or work commitments, they need to make more effort to prioritise their relationship – every single day.

"It's about creating moments every single day where you and your partner feel seen and heard and validated by each other – and therefore it will require thought and effort to consider what in particular works for them and for you."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Dating, Dating trends, Sex and Relationships, Money, Advice