Imagine if you could pinpoint exactly when your significant other was going to cheat on you, and the reasons why.
Well, that’s exactly what you can now do, thanks to an infidelity coach who has the insights on impending unfaithfulness.
The coach shared the key signs to look out for, and even revealed that age determines whether they’re likely to cheat or not.
Albert Arnaiz from Barcelona wrote it all down in his book, How To Be Unfaithful Without Getting Caught. Here's everything you need to know.

What age are people likely to cheat?
First up: how old are people more likely to cheat, according to the experts?
Arnaiz shared to The Sun that an affair is most likely to happen when a person is 29, 39, or 49.
Albertina Fisher, a relationship and sex counsellor, added that while there isn’t any research to support these claims, end-of-decade milestones make sense.
Turns out, there's lots of reasons why age might play a factor in cheating.

Cheating due to life changes
One major reason linked to cheating at a particular age, according to the experts, is because there are certain times in your life that people tend to think about the evolving social dynamics of your relationships.
Fisher told The Telegraph that affairs might begin when someone is in their late twenties, getting married or even having kids, as that changes the a lot of things in a relationship.
“It’s quite normal, for example, for a father to feel pushed out,” she said.
“The couple has become three and that might act as a trigger for a father to have affairs.”
She said their need to be a ‘different version of themselves’ can be a lot easier when they start fresh with a new person instead of the one they’ve been with for years.
Statistics show men cheat more than women, but it’s not a polarising difference.
A Kinsey Institute study found that 23 per cent of men have cheated on their spouse, compared to 19 percent of women.

Cheating due to fear
For people in their thirties, intimacy coach Nicola Foster explained that these cheaters might end up wanting to be unfaithful when it comes to a workplace romance as their partner focuses on their career progression.
That’s because they ‘played the field in their twenties’ and now that they’ve settled down, they start to freak out at the prospect of only being able to have sex with one person for the rest of their lives.

Cheating due to lack of intimacy
Fisher said menopause, reaching middle age, and just overall boredom with the relationship might be the cause of cheating in your later years. It's more than just a lack of sex life - it's decreased intimacy.
“A lot of what they are seeking is intimacy, that they feel they have lost in their current relationship,” she said.

What to do if you think your partner wants to cheat
Overall, it’s best to check in with each other throughout your life together to make sure you’re on the same page.
According to Arnaiz, communication is key. For instance, talking to each other without conflict is a good way to try to bridge the gap.
Also, trying to understand each other too, instead of avoiding the topic, is the best way to go about figuring things out.
Simple things you could do to get back on track is to have date nights, so that you can talk to each other freely without children in the home.
Communication might help a couple to avoid outgrowing each other.
Couple’s counselling might also be the next step to help you to reconnect.
Topics: Life, Sex and Relationships, Dating, Real Life