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Men give unexpectedly honest answers when asked about ‘secrets’ that women don’t know

Men give unexpectedly honest answers when asked about ‘secrets’ that women don’t know

We finally know what's going on inside their brains...

When it comes to relationships, the things that go through a man’s brain have puzzled people since the dawn of time.

If you have ever found yourself scratching your head wondering, 'what on Earth is going on in there', fear not, because men have now shared surprisingly honest and frank answers about the things they do.

Some of these behaviours are known to confuse women, and others will come as a complete surprise.

When he sighs it might be because he forgot to breath. (

A Reddit thread asked the question: “​​What’s a secret all men keep that women don’t know?”

And it did not take long for the answers to come spilling in.

So let’s break down the top five biggest ‘secrets’ and hopefully shed some light on relationships.


Have you ever noticed your partner randomly letting out a massive ‘aaahhh’? out of nowhere? Of course you have, but the reason behind the sigh may not be due to unresolved feelings of tension or animosity.

No, it may actually be a lot more simple...

“When we do a big sigh, it is mostly because we forgot to breathe for a brief moment,” said a Reddit user.

More men weighed in and agreed, with a fellow commentator sharing: “My wife asks every time and I'm like 'whoops, forgot to breathe for a second.'”

Another weighed in and said: “I swear I thought it was only my wife who did that. Like, every time it will lead to a deep questioning along the lines of: is everything ok? What is the matter? Is something wrong?

For some reason 'I was just breathing' seems not to be a plausible nor acceptable answer."


A man can be easily distracted by a humble stick. Yes, really.

"That a grown man will see a stick while walking and think, 'Gee, that's a nice stick'", said one user.

And it's not just sticks, kicking rocks is also a little walking activity men love to do.


Men love compliments, and they secretly want their partners to shower them with more for a very adorable reason.

“We f***ing love compliments,” another user chimed. “Try it and see how far it gets you because while we may call you lovely things we rarely get so much in return, and your words mean more than you'll ever know.”

On the flip side, one Reddit User suggested men sometimes feel suspicious of compliments because they rarely receive any from their partners, or those close to them when they were growing up.

“We're often conditioned to be hugely suspicious of compliments,” he divulged. “Mostly because we never got them.

Men want more compliments. (Picture: Pexels)
Men want more compliments. (Picture: Pexels)

“My wife compliments me a lot. I never got anything growing up, I still don't believe her, I just let her go with it. I'm not sure what she sees in me, but if she sticks around she can say anything she likes.”

Similarly, Australian dating expert Louanne Ward explained the importance of complimenting men. She said: “One factor that men apparently find 'irresistible' is exhibiting care and kindness.

"This is your ability to show your appreciation, your ability to give compliments, your ability to say thank you."

There’s nothing wrong…

Although it may feel hard to believe, when a man says there’s nothing wrong, that’s exactly what they mean.

One Reddit user spilled: “There's nothing wrong, sometimes we genuinely want to sit for a while and think about absolutely nothing.”

This particular comment received over 20,000 up votes. Another man added that asking 'what are you thinking about?' is rather pointless because men’s thoughts often wander, and it is not a passive sign that the relationship may be in trouble.

There may not be anything wrong. (

Not saying ‘hi’ to someone on your behalf

Sorry to burst your bubble but men have admitted they never do it. A comment on this very matter racked up 30,000 upvotes, with many men sharing similar confessions.

One admitted: “I've been told probably 100 times in my life to say hi to somebody for her but I never do.”

And it’s not just men in romantic relationships who do this, sons have also failed to relay your greetings. One son wrote: “My mum always asks me to give people a 'big hug' from her. Always say 'ok.' Never done it once.”

The more you know…

Featured Image Credit: Getty stock images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Advice, Reddit