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 5 tell-tale signs you’re dating a narcissist, according to expert

5 tell-tale signs you’re dating a narcissist, according to expert

If you recognise any of these typical narcissistic traits, it's time to run

A relationship expert has revealed the five signs you're dating a narcissist, and how you can 'protect your peace'.

We've all encountered a narcissist at some point in our lives, whether it be a friend, family member or partner.

But some can be harder to spot than others, particularly if you have been in a relationship with someone who only started to reveal the 'real them' several months in.

Joanne Jones, love and relationship expert of Trusted Psychics, has revealed the five signs that people need to be looking for, in order to avoid dating a narcissist.

Could you be dating a narcissist? (Getty stock images)
Could you be dating a narcissist? (Getty stock images)

But how does somebody become one in the first place?

Joanne said: "A narcissist is someone whose excessive vanity has turned into an obsession.

"They have such a grandiose sense of self-importance that they truly believe they are better than others, including their loved ones."

They don’t cry at the opening scene of Up

If you know, you know.

The opening scene of Up is as wholesome as it is gut-wrenching, and if you don't shed at least a little tear, then you might be lacking a bit of compassion.

The expert warned: "Narcissists often struggle with understanding or even acknowledging others' feelings, meaning they can be indifferent to the feelings of those around them.

"This apathy means they are more prone to bullying, cheating, deception and manipulation as they don’t ‘get’ or care about the impact, especially if it doesn’t benefit them.”

They refuse to share the spotlight

You could be dating a narcissist without knowing. (Getty stock images)
You could be dating a narcissist without knowing. (Getty stock images)

Do you know someone who is just a bit 'me, me, me'?

This classic narcissistic behaviour is a major warning sign.

Joanne added: "There’s a big difference between being proud and being arrogant, but narcissists believe they are superior in every way, meaning they will find any opportunity to talk about themselves, even if it’s inappropriate."

She notes that throughout the course of a relationship, this can really wear a partner down, and make you feel 'less-worthy' of someone's love.

You’re always the bad guy

Is everything is always your fault, even when it's not?!

Joanna notes that a 'big red flag' is if you feel like you're always in the wrong, and perhaps your partner is always the victim.

She said: "Narcissists can never admit they are wrong, so will shift the blame onto their partners, even if they aren’t at fault at all.

"This includes emotional manipulation and gaslighting their partners into believing they are responsible, leading to anxiety and guilt the narcissist can use to their benefit down the line."

They always eat the last piece of cake

Forever putting their needs before anyone else's, if there's one piece of cake left at the dinner table, best believe it's going in the belly of the narcissist.

Narcissists will eat the last piece of cake (Getty Stock Image/fanjianhua)
Narcissists will eat the last piece of cake (Getty Stock Image/fanjianhua)

"Narcissists lack the ability to prioritise their partner's needs, leading to an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship dynamic that only serves one half of the partnership," she added.

It’s never their fault (even when it is)

Similar to the other partner always being the bag guy, a narcissist can never take the blame.

Joanne notes that a talented narcissist is clever enough to twist the narrative, in order to make themselves the victim.

She said: "Say a narcissist forgets an important date, they might accuse others of not reminding them enough times, placing the blame solely on their shoulders.

"This constant shifting of blame is a classic tactic used to maintain their sense of superiority."

Now you know the signs, you've been warned!

Featured Image Credit: Maria Korneeva/Getty Images/ Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty Images

Topics: Dating, Sex and Relationships, Advice