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Surprising ‘kink’ Gen Z are into after revealing frustration with ‘situationships’

Surprising ‘kink’ Gen Z are into after revealing frustration with ‘situationships’

A study has explored the sex life of Gen Z and what they like most in the bedroom

By now, we already know that Gen Z and their Millennial predecessors are completely worlds apart.

From their fashion tastes and make-up routines, all the way through to dating trends and even slang - it's clear there's a heap of differences when it comes to the two generations.

And such differences have clear followed into the bedroom too, as it's just been revealed what surprising 'kink' Gen Z are most into after revealing their total frustration over the dreaded 'situationship'.

There's one thing Gen Z are 'fantasising' a whole lot about in the bedroom (proud_natalia / Getty Images)
There's one thing Gen Z are 'fantasising' a whole lot about in the bedroom (proud_natalia / Getty Images)

A study titled the 'State of Dating Report', which is based on users of the dating app Feeld, shed a light on what those born between 1997 and 2012 are 'fantasising' about the most.

Interestingly, the report found that people from different generations had very distinct preferences when it came to relationship styles.

Millennials and Gen X preferred ethical non-monogamy (24 percent and 27 percent) while Baby Boomers were more into' friends with benefits' (27 percent), it was Gen Z who most preferred monogamy (23 percent).

81 percent of Gen Z in the study reported fantasising about monogamous relationships (Tom Merton / Getty Images)
81 percent of Gen Z in the study reported fantasising about monogamous relationships (Tom Merton / Getty Images)

The report, based on 3,310 Feeld users aged 18 to 75 from 71 different countries, also found that Gen Z were the most likely to fantasise about monogamy, with a staggering 81 percent reported fantasising about monogamous relationships, while 44 percent said they fantasised about this 'often'.

Alongside this, they were also the least likely generation to fantasise about being in an open relationship (62 percent) compared to Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers (around 75 to 80 percent).

So, what's the possible reason behind all this then?

Well, the reports explains that people often want what he don't have.

Gen Zers apparently feel an appeal to 'how things used to be' (Maskot / Getty Images)
Gen Zers apparently feel an appeal to 'how things used to be' (Maskot / Getty Images)

"Nearly half of Gen Z reported that they were single, compared to only one-fifth of Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers," it explained.

"Many younger adults have never even had a serious or committed relationship with one person, let alone several at the same time. In this light, it becomes easy to see how monogamy might hold a distinct appeal for this population."

The report added: "For a lot of Gen Zers, monogamy is simply something they haven’t yet experienced, whereas older adults who have had more practice with monogamy, they may be wanting to try something new."

Apparently, us Gen Zers also feel an appeal to 'how things used to be'.

"As dating has moved into the digital world, it has only become more complex,” the study states.

Gen Z are 'fantasising' the most about monogamy, according to the data (filadendron / Getty Images)
Gen Z are 'fantasising' the most about monogamy, according to the data (filadendron / Getty Images)

"Traditional courtship practices necessitated clear intentions and grand gestures that made it clear where things stood, so it’s no surprise that they’re gaining appeal in a time that feels more uncertain and unclear than ever."

With all that said, however, Gen Z are far from conservative as 'while many of them are reverting to more traditional relationship values, Gen Z is breaking the mould by holding the most expansive views on sexuality'.

Gen Z have since rushed to social media to share their verdicts upon catching light of the study.

One Instagram user penned: "It makes sense! When in 2024 the monogamy is the rarest thing, it's logical to fantasise about it!"

Gen Z are tired of unfulfilling 'situationships' (The Good Brigade / Getty Images)
Gen Z are tired of unfulfilling 'situationships' (The Good Brigade / Getty Images)

"Lol Gen Z just want to be loved and held," joked a second while a third piped up: "'Fantasising about monogamy' what."

Providing some further explanation into the data, a fourth declared: "WE ARE TIRED OF THE SITUATIONSHIPS."

"On behalf of Gen Z I can confirm," quipped a fifth, while another confessed: "My kink is monogamy tbh like imagine a person that only wants and cares and desires you, that's hot."

And a final Instagram user echoed: "I just wanna be freaky in a monogamous relationship!"

Put that on a T-shirt.

Featured Image Credit: Henrik Sorensen/Getty images/Anastasiia Krivenok/Getty Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Life, Dating, Dating trends