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Woman slams match for telling her not to pose next to 'prettier' girls as it will leave men 'disappointed'
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Woman slams match for telling her not to pose next to 'prettier' girls as it will leave men 'disappointed'

An Australian woman slammed the 'rude' Hinge message in a TikTok

We all know datings apps can be a nightmare, and one woman whose had enough has slammed a sexist suitor who told her not to pose next to women who are ‘prettier than her’ because it will leave men ‘disappointed’.

Emily Wallace went to TikTok with savage screenshots of the comment she got from the match on the dating app Hinge.

The 25-year-old said she received the longer-than-usual message from the lad in response to a selfie with her 23-year-old friend Sarah.

Although prefixing it with an apology for ‘being rude’, he went on to call her friend ‘more beautiful’ than her – sounds just like when someone adds ‘no offence’ to a mean comment, that definitely leaves you offended.

Luckily, Emily says she’s ‘thick skinned’ so hasn’t had a knock to her self-confidence, but she does worry such remarks could be more difficult to others.

The dating hopeful, who has been single for almost seven years, did say she understands his point about not having a group snap as her first photo, but still thinks he was being unnecessary.

The Australian said: “I'm pretty thick skinned so luckily I thought it was funny and kind of lighthearted and sent it to my best friend in the photo because it is not like I approached him or anything so I wasn't too offended by it.

The 'rude Romeo's' message.
Kennedy News and Media

"I think it could really affect someone though because the message wasn't open to opinion. I don't think I have ever had anyone message on Hinge where someone has been awful.

"People say weird stuff but I have never had anything that rude before."

The full message from the man reads: “You're beautiful enough. Sorry for being rude but tbf I would avoid putting girls more beautiful than you in your first pic.

"As men scroll they're disappointed and automatically swipe left. Again? Sorry."

Not wanting to bother giving any energy to the man or continue the conversation, she didn’t match with him.

Emily, didn't respond to him as she didn't want to give him the 'satisfaction'.
Kennedy News and Media

She added: “It's so ironic. When I went through his photos it had something about kindness, and I just thought 'omg he is just clearly trying to get some matches'.

"I didn't match with him. I didn't want to give him the time of day or satisfaction. I just made the TikTok video and I feel that has definitely given him a run for his money with the amount of views and comments it got.

"I didn't want to retaliate. Hopefully he has seen it [the TikTok] and feels a bit sorry for himself."

After she’d posted the video, Emily says one of his friends saw it and confronted him. Apparently, he sent it while drunk and has apologised for his actions.

She added: "I have had quite a few people message me that know him and a girl that works with him had asked him about it and apparently his reasoning is that he was drunk and feels bad about it and was just being honest.

"Behind a phone and computer screen people are a lot braver in saying stuff like that and I kind of see where he was coming from in the sense of it was the first picture on [my] profile.”

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Life, Sex and Relationships, Real Life, TikTok