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Bride tells sister to 'leave wedding immediately' after she didn’t follow strict dress code

Bride tells sister to 'leave wedding immediately' after she didn’t follow strict dress code

The Reddit wife said her sister refused to match the colour scheme of the rest of the wedding party

What would once have been considered high-maintenance has become a pretty common 21st century wedding trend, as couples across the world hand out regulations regarding what should not be wear to their upcoming nuptials.

But what should be the consequence of a wedding guest failing to adhere to your fashion rules?

Well, in the case of one bride, wearing a prohibited colour resulted in the naughty attendee being kicked out of the ceremony altogether - even if that rule-breaking guest if your very own sister.

Allow us to fill you in...

The bride was forced to remove her own sister from the ceremony. (tonefotografi/Getty)
The bride was forced to remove her own sister from the ceremony. (tonefotografi/Getty)

The unnamed bride took to the story-sharing site Reddit earlier this week, where she wanted advice on something that's been bugging her ever since she and her husband tied the knot earlier this year.

The 25-year-old now-wife explained that the couple thought it 'would be fun' to set a 'colour scheme' for their big day, hoping guests would wear a colour designated to the family side of the couple that they belonged to.

And being that her favourite colour was yellow and her groom's favourite colour was blue, she explained on the invite that guests should - where possible - adhere to this request, especially for cohesion when it comes to group photos.

She also asked that mutual friends to the couple wear green, to indicate their 'middle ground'.

Whilst the majority of guests were more than happy to abide by the duo's request, one individual that had a bee in her bonnet about the whole idea was the bride's very own sister.

The bride asked that her family adhere to her request of yellow outfits. (corinafotografia/Getty)
The bride asked that her family adhere to her request of yellow outfits. (corinafotografia/Getty)

"When Jen found out about this, she was mad," the bride explained online.

"I didn’t know this, but she hates yellow and it 'washes her out'. She told me under no circumstances would she wear yellow.

"I shrugged and said that was fine–I would just kick her out if she did not wear yellow."

And in an unexpected twist of fate, Jen did rock up to the soiree in a purple dress, leading the bride to have no choice to stick to her word.

"I told her to leave immediately," she admitted.

"The color scheme was perfect and she ruined it. Jen refused to leave until I threatened to call security.

"The rest of the wedding went smoothly, but afterwards my parents were furious with me for kicking Jen out. I told them that I warned her she would be kicked out if she didn’t follow the color scheme, but they said they all thought it was a joke. "They said it was cruel of me to kick my sister out over something so trivial. I told them this was MY wedding that I threw without their support, so I can kick out whoever I want to," she added.

The bride's sister rocked up in purple instead. (Oleksandra Korobova/Getty)
The bride's sister rocked up in purple instead. (Oleksandra Korobova/Getty)

And after sharing her story with the world, the bride received a tsunami of replies from other social media users, with the vast majority thankfully siding with her on the matter.

"The question here isn’t whether or not a color scheme is stupid. It very well could be but it’s also becoming the norm. And frankly, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to attend the event," one wrote.

"But what you don’t get to do is say a color scheme is stupid so I’ll make up my own rules and force the couple being married to let me in. Jen was stupid here."

Another went on: "To me it's also very telling that Jen is apparently the ONLY guest who had trouble with the color scheme. If everyone else managed to do it then it wasn't that f*****g difficult."

A third continued: "also i think its funny how ALL shades of yellow wash her out. like be serious lol.

"im sure yellow isnt everyones colour but there are so many variants of every colour in the rainbow and im positive she couldve found one yellow that suited her."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Fashion, Sex and Relationships, Wedding, Reddit