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Why you should continue ‘pebbling’ your partner if you’re not already

Why you should continue ‘pebbling’ your partner if you’re not already

Pebbling is just as cute as it sounds

An expert has revealed what ‘pebbling’ is and why you should continue doing it in your relationship.

There seems to be a whole new plethora of dating terms nowadays. From submarining and bread-crumbing to getting 'zombied' and 'vultured', it can be hard to keep up.

Pebbling is the latest trend on the block, and for once it actually isn’t a red flag.

And the good news is you’re probably already doing it in your relationship.

Are you pebbling your partner? (LeoPatrizi / Getty Images)
Are you pebbling your partner? (LeoPatrizi / Getty Images)

What is pebbling?

Pebbling is the term used to describe sending videos, posts, and memes to your partner throughout the day.

Relationship expert Gigi Engle suggested that it is a ‘love language’ that some partners share.

She told Metro: “I think it’s the cutest thing ever because memes are a love language these days.

“Pebbling started with the advent of meme sending as a form of creating a connection with people.

“It can definitely strengthen a relationship because it’s similar to sending a message saying, ‘I saw this and thought of you’.”

You’re probably already doing it. (Getty Stock Image)
You’re probably already doing it. (Getty Stock Image)

Where did pebbling come from?

It’s inspired by the behaviour of penguins, and it turns out that it’s just as cute as it sounds.

Experts say that Gentoo penguins give potential partners a pebble, not only to build their nest but as a hint they are interested in pursuing them.

Psychologist Adam Grant posted to X: "Sending memes, links, and videos to others isn't trivial. It signals that you're thinking of them and want them to share your joy.

"It's known as pebbling, based on penguins gifting pebbles to potential partners.

"Pebbling is an act of care. Every pebble is a bid for connection."

And that is probably the most wholesome thing we’ve learnt all week.

Pebbling is inspired by the behaviour of penguins. (Getty Images/NicoElNino)
Pebbling is inspired by the behaviour of penguins. (Getty Images/NicoElNino)

Could pebbling hinder your relationship?

However, relationship expert Engle did warn that there is a chance pebbling could be taken too far.

She added: “Pebbling does have the potential to set an expectation of communication you’re going to have throughout your relationship, so that’s something to keep in mind.”

It’s important to note that communication, as with everything in a relationship, should stay at the forefront of this.

Dating expert at Pure dating app Drew Wyllie echoed this, telling Metro: "What is deemed sweet and thoughtful for someone, may be irrelevant for someone else."

And we can see how someone sending across 50 memes a day while you’re at work might start to slightly do your head in after some time.

Featured Image Credit: Westend61/RgStudio/Getty Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Dating trends